Five flocks of geese flew by heading south yesterday. Funny thing is, I waved up at them and they all waved their wings back at me. That was the pinnacle of yesterday!
Today once again is overcast. All is calm and quiet where we are. It's a perfect afternoon for a long winter's nap. Yesterday I pulled the shades in the bedroom and snuggled myself under a blanket. Before I knew it, dusk was setting in. Felt renewed and ready for an evening in the recliner with my Chromebook. Life couldn't be better!
We were going to meet another couple for lunch tomorrow, but plans were canceled due to sickness. Covid and other flu and cold symptoms are settling in. It's good that people call to cancel, rather than put others at risk. The pandemic changed me in a way I'd never have imagined. I'm definitely more willing to stay in our little nest and let the world carry on without me. Too much violence, too much drama, too much division and too many illness-causing germs. When I envision peace on earth, our home comes first to mind.
Am looking for recipes to make for the holidays. It's fun to find new foods to serve for guests. So many things that were part of life when we were younger are now becoming obsolete. One is the recipe book. One or two generations ago, the recipe book was a cook's most prized possession. Many tried and true recipes were written down for safekeeping, kinda like the combination to a safe.
The latest court trial I'm watching on YT is the Ezra McCandless murder trial a year ago in Wisconsin. A person can learn so much from expert witness testimony. A registered nurse testified about the SANE Kit used in a forensic medical rape examination. SANE stands for Sexual-Assault Nurse Examination.
Temperature outside is 39°. 21 days till Christmas. 28 days and we'll need to start writing 2024. The wings of time are also waving to us.