Tuesday, December 26, 2023


Hope everyone had a happy Christmas.  The boyfriend and I spent our day together in total peace and quiet.  First, we toasted the holiday with tall-glass Bloody Marys, then snacks before a supper of tasty leftovers from Christmas Eve.  Raindrops fell the entire day, which made for cozy indoors.  Those of us who didn't have to go anywhere could enjoy the silent seclusion.

This afternoon at 2 we're invited to our beloved Cuddy's parents' house for sips and snacks.  There will be a little soul missing, of course, but it is what it is.  They are two of the sweetest people, and, through puppysitting Cuddy, we forged a special friendship.  This January they will be spending time in Hawaii.  Before Cuddy passed away, I planned on him staying with us.  But, like I always say, we must suck it up and play the cards we're dealt.

You'll notice that I changed my blog photo to include my darling fur-nieces, Millie and Maggie.  The picture was taken Saturday when we were with the G-clan.  I always tease how I'm gonna secretly steal them and take 'em home with me.  Aren't they little sweetie pies?

Today I'm really happy that we didn't put up a lot of decorations.  We drove by some homes where the yards were covered with miles of lights, blown-up Santas, reindeer, sparkly snowflakes, and lord knows what all.  Having to dismantle all that must be a real drag.  And, then there's the business of packing it away and storing it somewhere.  Sure can tell I've graduated from that school of effort.

On Christmas Day the first thing I noticed was a pine cone laying on the deck.  Common sense tells me it fell off of the evergreen wreath, but I like to imagine that it's a message most likely from an angel.  I look for the little things that just might have more to them than meets the eye.  Like the business of seeing the same numbers on a digital clock.....like 11:11 or 3:33, which happens every day for both of us.  Or, maybe one of Santa's reindeer dropped a 'gift' as they were flying overhead.  Whatever.....it's something for the mind to play with!

Best get going here so I'm ready to head out the door shortly before 2.  Ta-ta till the morrow.


  1. Every year I say I'm going to reduce my inventory of Christmas decorations and every year I do nothing about it, just want them out of sight. Some of my stuff is so old but sentimental value to me. When I put my tree up all lights were working but a couple days later one string burnt out and I bought replacements but never got them exchanged. Maybe next year.
    We had a great Christmas. I invited M.A./Jean's children over Christmas afternoon along with my brother Steve and his wife Sue. We have an old jukebox that plays 45 rpm records from the 50, 60 and 70's. After a couple beers we all went to the basement and played records. Great music back in those days. Had a wonderful time. Agreed to do this again in 364 days. Got to run Hugs.
