Sunday, December 10, 2023

Andrew and Nikki
Am on a Christmas movie marathon, liking those starring the Canadian actor, Andrew Walker.  Sometimes the character he plays is a jokester.  Other times serious.  I just like watching him.  My favorite Hallmark actress is Nikki DeLoach.  If you put the two of them together, it's a great movie, like A Dream of Christmas in 2016.

The only movie genre that interests me is rom-com.  If there's romance, along with comedy, then that's what I'll watch.  Especially during the holidays.  Hallmark movies are fun to watch because of the decorations.  Usually small towns are lit up with a large town tree, street lights, and the insides of homes are colorful and sparkly.  This time of year can be emotionally difficult for people, and these movies are a wonderful way to transport one's mind to such places.  Even if it is for only a couple of hours.

Part of our deck is lightly covered with snow.  That's not going to count toward my wish for a few feet of flakes.  A massive storm system is predicted to affect 180 million people living on the east coast.

Nothing newsworthy on my end of the stick.  A fine day to cozy and cuddle in like a bear in hibernation.