Sunday, December 17, 2023

Checked the weather app, and it appears we're in for temperatures in the 40s this coming week.  Last evening our guests drove through what we call pea soup fog.  This morning we woke up to another gloomy day, wholly unlike what we remember for the week before Christmas.  

For a lot of people, the holidays are simply an exercise in going through the motions.  I can sit up here and watch cars drive in and park, trunks open and gifts retrieved and carried inside.  My imagination allows me to picture in my head what their gift exchange will be like, what food they'll be sharing, and the whole tradition of a family Christmas.  Sadly my family no longer celebrates Christmas together, and that's fine.  One does achieve a state of acceptance for what is.  

At this stage of life, the greatest gift is good health.  When we're young, we don't even think about health.  There are a zillion other things that capture and keep our attention and energy.  When I remember back to all we used to do, it wears me out just thinking about it.  Energy and motivation leave us quietly and without notice.  Then one day we're terribly aware that we're wanting that energy and motivation.  The two are naturally replaced with peace and contentment.  And, that's not a bad exchange, from my perspective.

Today we're going to enjoy the quiet.  Most likely a sports event will keep the boyfriend busy, and a movie marathon will keep my mind in alluring venues and situations.  Guess I'm a sucker for romance, comedy, courtroom drama, and virtual travel.  Just might head Down Under and watch another series of Bachelor Australia  episodes.  I am fascinated by those Aussie accents.  

Stay warm.