Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Tis another post written later in the day.  Darkness has exchanged places with daylight, and our red and white Christmas lights add a festive flair to our deck railing.  

Have to confess to indulging in a Christmas movie marathon last night that lasted until 3:30 this morning.  I covered with a cuddly throw and slept the remainder of the night in the recliner.  That's what I call living the good life!

It's toddy time now.  The boyfriend mixed for me a vodka tonic with lemon, just as I like it.  He's busy in the kitchen fixing classic potato pancakes.  We rarely have them, but the aroma has managed to add two pounds onto me.  

Had some things to accomplish today, but procrastination won me over.  Like they say, don't do today what you can do the day after tomorrow!