Little Buffy Boo just left our house. She spent her first overnighter with us, and she slept the night through.....beside me in the recliner. When she's at her home, her bed is in a cozy carrier. At my house, she will sleep by me. Honestly, that's me being selfish.
Buffy's parents were married yesterday, and Buffy was a bridesmaid for the picture-taking session. She wore a pink dress with little white flowers. Adorable isn't quite enough to describe her cuteness. When her uncle delivered her to our house, she was wearing her bridesmaid dress. Well, you can imagine what that did to my tear ducts!
We thought Buffy would be here today and into tonight. Our supper guests tonight are puppy lovers, and we thought for sure Buffy would be here. But, her parents and their house guests wanted her back home. So, we relinquished our visitation rights until the next time.
Here's a picture taken of Buffy in her bridesmaid dress.....
The weather here today is rainy and gloomy. No wonder my joints have been putting up fits the last couple of days. Think I'm gonna have to give a baptismal name to my inherited arthritis, other than Arthur. Instead I shall call IT Arnold after Benedict Arnold the betrayer.