Holy cow, a great big crow just flew past the window. It looked the size of a Canadian Goose. Sometimes I think crows are bigger than they used to be.
The boyfriend is still snoozing, but he asked that I get him up by 9. This chick went to bed at 10 last night, which is pretty much unheard of. After watching three Hallmark Christmas movies, guess I was just done with the day. The one I particularly enjoyed was Two Turtle Doves.
Honestly I don't remember the last time we were at a movie theater. For one thing, the boyfriend doesn't care for movies, and it's no fun sitting there watching the person sitting next to you looking at his wrist watch every ten minutes. For the other person, it's persecution. For the one who enjoys the movie, it's a guilt trip for making the other one endure the persecution. I just rather stay home with my laptop and watch free movies with ads and all the popcorn I can eat.
Still no activity in the pine seed terrarium. Think I read where it might take a whole month before a sprout might be visible. Have a couple of weeks to go.
Yesterday the boyfriend ground up pork butt that was on sale. We like ground pork as well as ground beef. When the pork is on sale, we go cherry picking (buying items on sale). The boyfriend having been a retail meat manager is a real perk at our house. With meat as expensive as it is, we can still eat well at reasonable prices.
Looks to be another overcast day. Once again it's Saturday. Yowza, but the weeks go by fast. Today I'm going to finish up a few things here and sort through the stack of envelopes that pile up on the counter. It's kinda like I'm still at the office....can't tolerate stacks of paperwork on a desk. It always screamed "work undone." Some co-workers saw it from a different viewpoint. They thought stacks of paper reflected just how busy they were. It's that business of perspective.
Also think I will change the pictures on our walls in the living room area. After a while everything gets tiresome, and I have to change things around. One might say that our home is like a revolving art gallery.
Temperature outside is 35°. No snow in the forecast. Maybe if I quit wishing for snow, it'll snow. Maybe if we plan a trolley, it'll snow. I hear people say this weather "shortens the winter." I wish for a long winter. Guess I'm a person who loves cozy cuddle-in days, with a book or a hook in my hands, and I'm in paradise. And, I consider snowflakes as kisses from Heaven. There are aspects of late life that, for me, are the sweet frosting on my cake. There were years I dreamed of not having to set an alarm clock, taking time to read a book, to go in the kitchen and try a new recipe, or take an afternoon nap and not have to feel guilty. It's now time to cash in one's chips and make very selfish use of the hours that come to us wrapped in peace and quiet.
Probably the best part of this stage in life is not giving a hoot what others think or say. Honestly, peer pressure, for me, is dead and buried. We go through our lifetimes fretting about what others think of what we do, what we wear, where we go, and how we act. In reality, nobody gives a flick about us. When we are wrongly judged by others, it's only because they themselves are choking with their own problems. The only way to deflect from themselves is to focus on others. All that silliness is in my rear view mirror now. I think there used to be an advertisement that said.....oh, what a relief it is......might've been Alka Seltzer. Yup, that's what it was. Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh, what a relief it is!!!!!