Friday, December 8, 2023

Yesterday as I was cruising around the world wide web hunting for something to soothe my soul, these two paragraphs found me........... 

Our feelings come from our thoughts, and our behaviors are acting on those feelings. It is the thinking and inner dialogue that causes our feelings, and our feelings dictate our behaviors. Thoughts come and thoughts go, just like clouds in the sky.  If we neither attach or hold onto them, our behavior is innately one of peace.

We cannot control our thoughts.  As humans, we are like little thought factories producing one thought after another. It is always our attachment to these thoughts that make us suffer. Just allow the thought to pass, like the clouds in the sky, neither wanting to control or attach to them.

My mini Christmas decorations are in place.  Like mentioned earlier, I ordered four large pine cones from Georgia.  They were for sale on Etsy.  Got out my beads and made four strands of beads to decorate the cones like trees.  Because of my wish for lots of snow, I created a vignette of Poly-fil imitation snow, got out the vintage ceramic tree and that's about it.  It's for sure different, not something that's gonna wow anyone.  It's just how it's going to represent my Christmas this year.  It's a whole lot prettier when it's dark, and we're still going to get some of those teeny-weeny lights to add more sparkle.

On the left is a brown bear and on the right an Eskimo doll.  Both were gifts from a trip to Alaska last year.  Of all the holiday decorations in storage, this is all that's out for display this year.  Like I said, sweetly simple, meaningful to us.

Want to share another picture I took yesterday morning when the sun was shining on my sun-catchers.  Our walls were dancing with rainbows.

We visited yesterday about maybe taking today for a trolley.  Now that we're in yesterday's tomorrow, neither of us feel like going anywhere.  One of the gals out here asked if I'd make her a comfort cross, so I may do that this afternoon.  

There's a little dog that lives out here at Vennie, her name is Olive.  She's out across the road now sniffing and doing her business.  Part of next weekend we'll be taking care of Buffy again while her momma and daddy get married.  He proposed to her in Ireland a few months ago.  

The sky is pretty pastel blue, graced with white clouds that look a lot like the Poly-fil I used to make the snow vignette.  It's 47° out now.  Unreal for mid-December.  All I want for Christmas is snow, snow, snow.....the real stuff.....not the kind that comes in a plastic bag!