Little Buffy Boo arrived at 8:30 a.m. and stayed until 3:30 in the afternoon. She was first snuggled by her Uncle Dale and fell into a snooze. I think we may have been blessed with an occasional angel in Yorkie form.
The boyfriend put up the red and white balcony lights and hung the beautiful wreath that Judy gifted us. Simple and festive. It was I who suggested the red and white lights this year. It was Dale who said they're perfect because we can leave them up for Valentine's Day!
What's so cool about this picture is the reflection of Dale on the left side. You can see him and his laptop.Yesterday I put 7 quarts of butternut squash in the freezer. As kids, I don't ever remember eating squash, but later on was introduced to acorn squash. And, I loved it. If I had to choose between butternut and acorn, my choice would be butternut. Not to say that acorn isn't right up there.
The sun is shining, making rainbows on the walls. Our beaded sun catchers are sparkling. It's amazing what the sunshine can do, even to inanimate objects.
Am the first one up this morning. Was exhausted last evening and retired at 10:30, which is unheard of. Must've quickly fallen asleep but remember saying my night prayers.
This afternoon the boyfriend has a Venny council meeting, and while he's gone to that I'll do a little Christmas decorating. Could've done it yesterday, but I put everything aside so I could give full attention to Buffy Boo. She's so little, she'd fit easily in a purse. If she was mine, I'd have one of those little carriers where she'd lay against my heart like a necklace.
Think temperatures are supposed to warm up to the 50s today. My secret wish for a bonanza snowfall is still floating out in the universe somewhere. Guess I'll just put an animated snowfall on my screensaver and be satisfied.
Started watching the courtroom videos about the Pike County massacre where eight family members were executed by another family. The murders were explicitly planned so they wouldn't get caught. This is gonna be interesting.
The boyfriend just got up, so I'll close today. May the spirit of the season bless us all. Ta-ta till the morrow.