Saturday, April 1, 2023

 When will I ever learn!!!!!!!!

Yup, the scamp got me April fooled first thing this morning.  I came out of the bedroom to see a face shaken with disbelief.  He sez to me, "Do you realize we left the oven on 400 all night long?"  

First of all, my brain first had to recall what we had for supper, and it was then I realized we had spaghetti made on the stove top.  DRAT.  Every flippin' year, you'd think I'd prepare myself, but this year I'd not given the first of April a thought.  Guess it's a good thing we still have our individual talents and abilities sharp as ever.

Boy, weren't those some horrific storms yesterday?  Arkansas, in the Little Rock area, really got hammered.  Entire neighborhoods destroyed.  My heart goes out to everyone who today suffers from loss, heartache, fear, and all emotions that must be rampant after these tornadoes.  Seems it's one natural disaster following another.  My suspicious mind can't help but wonder if the gods are angry with us and our behaviors.....which appear to be worsening and broadening every day.  

Today's Tao reading opens the mind to identifying if our problems are puzzle, obstacle or entanglement.  A puzzle needs to be analyzed carefully.  It's like unraveling a ball of yarn and requires patience.  An obstacle must be overcome.  We must use force and perseverance to either destroy or move away from what is blocking us.  An entanglement pulls us into a maze of limitations.  This is the most dangerous of situations and requires that we use all our resources to remove ourselves as quickly as possible.

Today's reading goes on to say that no matter which of the three types of situations we may find ourselves in, it is important that we do not take the thing on the whole.  Rather, break it down into smaller, more easily handled components.  If we slowly reduce our problems, then the knots of life can be untied, little by little.

Today's world can so easily suck us in to where we become entangled in  fearmongoring.....the business of making us fearful when there's really no need for us to be fearful.  There are many ordinary humans who are making money on social media by planting fear into our minds.  To the point where one must have a strong mind and strong will to save oneself from thinking that we're on the precipice of panic.  I can't point fingers, cuz at one point I was sucked in, but I pulled myself out of the maze that entangled my thinking.  Think of all the food that was stockpiled thinking we weren't going to have enough to survive.  

Food has expiration dates.  When I was fearful of not having enough coffee, I ordered boxes of instant Folger's coffee.  Well, guess what.  After a while, that coffee loses it's punch to where it's like drinking fairy pee.  So, to get rid of it, we're putting 10 packets of instant coffee in our Mr. Coffee just to use it up.  Heaven forbid that we'd throw food away. 

So it is that I'm trying to maintain a peace of mind.....not allowing myself to watch the news (other than weather alerts) and not get sucked into the "sewage of the day."  Bottom line, if I can't change something, then why should I spend my precious time thinking/worrying.  What comes will come.  Our minds easily become battlefields where battles will never be fought.  While we worry about stuff, we do not live the moment.  We forego our whole life thinking about craziness that may not ever happen, dwelling on what other people are doing or how they're acting.  It's all silliness.  

Tis a beautiful day, sun is shining.  The boyfriend will be watching his favorite sports on the telly, and I'm gonna do something, but still am not sure what.  It's now April and I even put out a little wren house in the hopes that a wren will choose to live in my house rather than the lady's wren house below us.  I'd be so happy if we could have a family of wrens living with us.  Will keep the fingers crossed.