While on an arm-chair travel tour to Tibet yesterday, I pushed the button for my electric recliner to lower the foot rest. Nothing happened. Thought I pushed the wrong button, but hadn't. Tried the head rest button, and that worked. Hmmm. Mr. Fixit came over to assist with my dilemma, and soon the conclusion was unanimous that my retirement recliner was toast.
What to do with a deceased couch and recliner? Called the recycling center. The guy explained that if the furniture wasn't good enough to be taken to the thrift store, then they wouldn't accept it either. Somehow I thought they took stuff apart and salvaged the parts, but whatever.
Our three recliners will be delivered a week from today. The two maintenance guys here will assist in getting our couch and recliner to a friend's pickup so we can deliver 'em to the landfill. Such a rigmarole. I don't like the idea of having to pay to throw something away. When we lived out on the farm, we threw stuff "in the ditch" that was on our property.
Sat out on the deck for a while this morning. The sun felt incredibly good. My Adirondack chair welcomed me, and we bonded well. The weekend might bring us rain, with a 50% chance predicted for tomorrow and an 80% chance on Sunday.
My Venny girlfriend is coming over to visit this afternoon. She said she'll call before coming over. Am anxious to hear about their trip and catch up on our gabs and giggles.
Accomplished a few things this morning. Got the lawn mower out and shaved my legs so I can wear capris pants again. When we were teenagers, we called 'em pedal pushers. Loved them then and still do. Shorts are no longer in my wardrobe.
Finished the article for the April newsletter. Another thing off my checklist.