Thursday, April 13, 2023


This chick went to bed at 3:30 a.m. and was up at 8:30 a.m.  Yesterday's turtle mode has improved to where I'm putting my head out from under my shell to see the pretty sunshine.  Sposed to get kinda hot today.  Me and the heat are like oil and water.  

The boyfriend is working on garden plots, and he has a council meeting at 3 this afternoon.  My schedule demands I pay a couple bills, wash a couple of t-shirts that I ordered on eBay and serve Mabel a good sip of onion tea.  She sang her Easter song with four beautiful blossoms.  

Today is a special day for a special someone in New York, and I'm sending my love out to Tall Cottage, along with a teddy bear hug.

A prankster elf left a plastic box with pony beads at my door yesterday.  Will wash them up and put them in with the stash.  He's a sneaky Pete, with a very big heart. 

One of these days we'll dolly up our deck.  We have a small table out there that had a glass top, but it somehow got broken and shattered to pieces.  The wooden replacement warped, and now we're toying with the idea of tossing the metal base which is perfectly okay.  I'm thinking of the boyfriend making a new wooden top and then we cover it with a floral oil cloth.  I remember my Gramma having an oil cloth on her kitchen table.  It was easy to wipe off and looked nice.  Wonder if Walmart has oil cloth.  Will check online to see.

The other day it was sad watching sparrows trying to get inside the wren house.  The holes in wren houses are made smaller simply for that reason.  Sparrows are little birdies that only we humans have diminished.  I couldn't help but feel bad for the sweet little souls.  They're going to need places to build a nest for their babies, too.  People think I'm nuts when I say I like sparrows and dandelions, but I maintain my support for both.  If someone denied me entry to Venny, imagine how I'd feel.  

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, got drenched with two feet of rain.  The damage from flooding, tornadoes, hurricanes is dreadful for those who live in those places.  A person wonders just how much pounding our society can take.  

The boyfriend mentioned grilling burgers for supper tonight.  That sounds so good.  Nothing like a good old burger with ketchup and onion.  The two of us are polar opposites when it comes to mustard.  He likes the yellow stuff that looks like calf poo, and I like the dark ground mustard that has a kick.  It's a friendly lifetime battle that we manage to control by keeping both on hand.  I don't mind the yellow stuff if there's nothing else, but I don't want to let my guard down like I'm surrendering.  I was taught to always hold my ground!