Monday, April 17, 2023

Five inches of the white stuff fell, but already it's thawing.  Took a picture when it was dark outside and then one this morning.

What's so cool about the pictures is the snow clinging to the wire fence we have up against the railing for Cuddy's safety.  We feel more secure knowing there's no way he can fall off the deck. 

Our home is back to normal.  Cuddy is back until Friday.


  1. Our snow didn't accumulate like yours did. I really like the wire and how the snow stuck to it.
    We used to have an old garage/barn next to our driveway that was shingled and I loved the look when snow had been blown around and driven into those shingles. Made it all seem like a good old-fashioned winter.
    Nice pics.

  2. I can envision the snow on the shingles. Our snow is gone, and today it's raining. The Venny lawn is green, and this rain must taste like medicinal tea to the soil.
