Monday, April 24, 2023

Last few days have been just a tad hectic.....all relating to new living area furniture.  There was sufficient stress to cause four cold sores to pop out on my upper lip.  This has been a lifelong stress-induced malady.  Have had some in the past that were really bad, but these are maybe a 3 out of a 5 being the worst.  Worst part is drinking hot coffee....yowza, that hurts.

As to the furniture situation, well, we're now owners of a new couch and a love seat.  Now we need to get an area rug.  And, yes, we changed our minds with regard to remote controlled furniture.  The lever manual ones make enough noise to disrupt those living on the floor below us.  We're spoiled and will continue to spoil ourselves.  What else is there at this portion of the race.

Went for my lab work this morning and will see my doctor at 2:30 for what they call the annual Medicare exam.  Doesn't really amount to much, except it does give us a chance to chat.  There's one problem that I'm going to need addressed, and hopefully he can remove the spot from my back that's driving me nuts.  Wish skin spots were as popular as tattoos.  

Life is back to normal as of 9 o'clock this morning.  Yup, Cuddy is back.  He and the boyfriend are catching a snooze right now.  Both of them are riding along on my trip to the clinic.  

It's a perfect day, on the cool side.  Our screen door is open.  

Nothing newsy today.  On doctor appointment days I get myself in a tangle and can't rest at ease until after it's over.  Don't know why I have to be such a fragile creature when it comes to the doctor.  I couldn't have a nicer guy in the world to take care of my little old body.  It's just the brain playing games with me.

Have started reading the book The Baron In the Trees.  Think it's going to be a really good read.  


  1. Sorry to hear about your cold sores. I'm confused, I thought you were getting 3 recliners - this post says new couch and loveseat. You can email me your reply. Didn't know the fuzzy one was coming back so soon. Ta ta for now.

  2. I didn't know the fuzzy one was back either.
    Maybe you can straight M.O. and me out about the furniture. It is grey, right? but not 3 recliners? Do they have levers then?
    We never talked about the topic but I get cold sores, too. Have for a long time but mine aren't stress related. Mine are because I get SO cold and when I can't get warm, they pop out.
