When my friend loaned me the book "A Walk To Remember" authored by Nicholas Sparks, I first imagined a beautiful walk perhaps in the forest, in a park, or maybe a garden. The thought never occurred to me that it would be a walk down the aisle.
Every book leaves its reader with something.....perhaps a new life perspective, a grit of annoyance, the insight into an unknown culture, or a thousand other possible bits of new knowledge or fresh understanding.
A Walk To Remember is a multi-faceted story of individual differences, pre-conceived human judgment, goodness, moral aspirations, faith, and a host of interesting human interactions. The book is a relatively short read that ends leaving the reader wondering how the story ended. Like I say, books are the messengers that sometimes bring us the insight to better understand our fellow human acquaintances. We are creatures quick to judge, quick to form unfounded opinions, and we act in accordance with those lopsided views.
The study of human interaction is an amazing path to walk. Our moral compass is guided by watching how others act or don't act, listening closely to what people say or what they don't say, making decisions with the feelings of the heart rather than the logic of the mind, and comparing the shapes of the shadows left by the self-less person vs. the self-absorbed person.
I remember having to write book reports back in school. I'd love to do that now after a lifetime of turning pages. Starting a Venny book club has been suggested, and I'd do cartwheels if we could get one going. Discussions add yet more possible ideas, and I'm one who welcomes input....knowing that we each see the world from different perspectives and through different eyes. There's a yearning inside me to learn all I possibly can while I'm here. Last night I spent the entire evening watching Japanese master chefs in high-end Tokyo restaurants. By observing the differences among us, we open our minds so we are more accepting and better able to graciously respond to differing opinions.
Yesterday the boyfriend was out running errands. He brought home a new area rug for our living room. Today we're going to do some rearranging and hopefully our recent efforts will converge in a cozy setting.
One of my close Venny girlfriends is undergoing some medical testing today. Am keeping her close to my heart in thought and prayer. When our friends suffer, we suffer, too. Anyway, that's what true friends do. We must remember that one life touches the other, and that's how we are able to manage our way through the tough times that will unexpectedly come to all of us.