Sunday, April 16, 2023

A wintry, snowy day.  Am taking a long look at the snow on the deck railing in the hopes that I can bring it back to mind this summer when it's nearly 100 degrees F.  I know I'm in the minority of humans, but winter really is my favorite time of year at this stage of life.  There's something primal about succumbing to the elements.  This is a perfect day for the cave man to stay in the cave, build a fire and watch it snow.  

Not a whole lot has transpired since my last post.  Golf has been the boyfriend's entertainment this afternoon, while I was traveling around Asia.  Don't know exactly why I have this curiosity about the Eastern cultures.  Some days I spend hours touring the rural and urban areas of that part of the world.  The countries I'm next going to travel to are the seven countries ending in "stan," which means "land of."  The cultures of the world are interesting and intriguing.  If each of us has only one go around, doesn't it only make sense that we learn about who all shares the earth with us?  There's so much to-do about race and ethnicity.  The way I see it, the more difference....the more intrigue.  

Tonight's supper is everyone on their own.  That means, go to the fridge, find whatever's edible, and throw something together.  Neither of us has a problem with this, because left-overs are the foundations for creativity.  

Snow is lightly falling now.  Already one can see the end of the day approaching.  Dusk is what they call it.  I've said before how this time of day used to make my mother feel lonely, yet she couldn't explain why.  She and I differ, in that this time of day starts closing the curtain on another well-lived day right before the darkness of a beautiful evening arrives.  Our minds absorb reality differently.  My mother, bless her heart, was a pessimist.  Her pessimism is what lit the embers of my optimism.  

Don't know if I mentioned the t-shirt that I ordered on eBay for this summer's wear.  It represents Van Gogh's painting of Starry Nights, which is one of my faves.  Was hoping the shirt would be darker than the picture, and it is.  Most likely, few will recognize its relation to a classic painting, but that's okay.  It's for me and for me alone. 

On a more somber note, isn't it dreadful how these mass shootings and teen take-overs are hitting our country?  Migod, how angry can people be to want to kill innocent strangers?  Prayer seems so futile, but it's the only cards in our hands we have to play.  Let's all pray that goodness prevails.  


  1. The Mr. & I watched Golf this afternoon, also, including the play-off. On the game we viewed, one ball rolled across the green toward water. Personally, I like to see the ker-plunk in the water, though I know to a golfer, that's frustrating. Anyway, it didn't fall in the water and ended up, as Lady Luck would have it, within a few centimeters of falling in and ended up against an old piece of wood. What are the chances?

    Our snow is gone. Kelly, however, has some in her yard. She refers to it as the white sand at the Snyder Ranch & Spa. One is welcome to go and get all they want. Just have to provide their own pail and shovel.

  2. We watched the deal with the golf ball. As you say, what are the chances. Very impressive how he hit the ball and it landed on the green.

    We got 5 inches of snow last night. Will write about it in today's post.
