Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Regretfully, am in turtle mode today.  When this mood befalls me, I crawl inside myself and stay there until it passes.  If only there was a delete button that could erase the past!

Yesterday we took a day trolley, signed our income tax papers, paid the accountant, ate sloppy joes and greasy onion rings at the drive-in, and drove around savoring the beautiful 70+ degree day.  Tomorrow the predicted temperature is in the high 80's.  

The boyfriend is busy with the Venny garden plots.  He and the other gardeners are putting their efforts together to finalize the individual plots for spring planting.  I'm not involved, so instead I took a rickshaw ride on the streets of Tokyo.  Talk about a cool experience.  Later in the day, I took a 5-day Russian train ride to the coldest town on the planet, Yakutsk, Siberia.  The couple who made the video shared time they spent with Yakutsk locals, and ate meals with them in their homes.  

Today accomplished nothing.  Got it in my head that I needed to do more arm-chair traveling, so I visited an ancient town in China.  My plan now is to be more productive on the morrow, but, with me, anything's possible.

A kettle of ham and bean soup beckons me.  As a carry-over from my childhood, I add a bit of vinegar and pepper to the soup.  That's what daddy did, and now it's what I do.  Just a teensy way I keep him on the trail beside me.