Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Today's officially been declared a do-nothing day.  Am wearing Cuddl Dud comfies in honor of the occasion.  

A bit of explanation regarding our new furniture.  Our original intention was to get three manual recliners.  When the delivery guys appeared, it was the first we learned they had misinformed us, and there were only two available in their warehouse.  To order the third recliner could take anywhere from 8 to 12 weeks.  We were to have been advised of that, but weren't.  So, we were left with two, which we quickly learned was not going to work.  We effectively expressed our dissatisfaction and came to an agreement that allowed us to choose other furniture.  That's when and why we opted for a couch and love seat, both of which have electric controls, which we now realize are essential to our comfort and convenience.  Face it, we're spoiled.

I got a thumbs up on my lab work, and at my doctor appointment had two skin spots treated with liquid nitrogen.  During the visit, I had a heart-to-heart talk with my doctor about some of the spears that struck me the last months.  There are doctors who care for our physical bodies, but the real deal doctors are the ones who can also help us with our emotional reactions to life events without prescribing medication.  When hearts truly connect, a powerful comfort channels from one to the other.  It's a feeling that transcends words, and because of our talk, my heart is better able to bear its burdens.  

Our next door neighbor left Saturday for Scotland, so last night I took an arm-chair tour of Scotland's castles, highlands, its some 790 islands and seascapes.  I'm a subscriber of Nicolas Fairford's FB vlog which is filmed mostly in his home in Edinburgh, Scotland.  In the early 1980s, we visited New Scotland, which is better known as Nova Scotia.  It's an intriguing culture that brings us kilts, bagpipes and Scottish plaids.

A light blue sky makes a perfect backdrop for the white puffy clouds.  Guess the Northern Lights have been blessing our nighttime skies with masterpiece sights for the second time in the last couple of weeks.  It's good that people share their photos of them on social media.