Monday, April 3, 2023

Might have mentioned acquiring a rosemaled clock, painted in the colors orange, golden yellow and a blue green.  The piece is signed, was hand-painted in 1977, and I first noticed it on a give-away table.  First thought was....yikes, cannot stand the orange, but the clock is a piece of art that I cannot allow to go who knows where.  You know me and giving new life to old things! 

The clock came back home with me, and the boyfriend's initial response was as expected......what are you gonna do with THAT?  

This afternoon the boyfriend was down in the workshop, so I got my acrylics out and found a color to paint over the orange.  I didn't have a clue what the end result would be by painting a dark wine color on top of orange.  Now that the first coat has been applied, gotta say I'm liking it a whole lot more.  Will wait to show a photo of the end result when it's finished and adorning a bedroom wall.  

P.S.  Boyfriend is back.  I suspect it'll take more than a different color to change his mind about the clock.  Oh, well.  To me, it's got a story and its heart still beats, one second at a time.