Sunday, April 2, 2023

Here it is Sunday once again.  We're looking forward to a quiet day.  It's dreary with an eerie stillness.  Two of our Venny friends will be returning home around noon from a 2-week trip to New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma and places in between.  They called from Des Moines last night to say they'll pick up their unit key, which we have for safekeeping.  I'm relieved to have them back safe and sound.  That's a lot of miles on the interstates and in cities like Dallas and Houston.  I'm one of those people who rests knowing everyone is tucked in their own homes.  I must sound old-fashioned in my late stage of life.  There's one certain special someone who texts me when she's safely home from work at night or when there's bad weather.  When I know she's okay, then all's okay in my itty bitty thimble-sized world.

This afternoon the boyfriend will be glued to the telly watching the Girls Iowa Basketball game.  I'm not sure what to hunker down with, possibly read one of two books that were loaned to me by my friend.  It's a real challenge to read a book when the telly's volume is turned up, but if I try really hard I can get my concentrator to concentrate.  Could go in the bedroom to read, but I like for the two of us to be together.  (I'm sounding like a homing pigeon.)

Just received an invitation to Cuddy's house for dinner Wednesday at 5 p.m.  Aaah, that sets the stage for a sweet day.....