Just got a call from Cuddy's daddy asking if we'd like to watch the little fuzz ball for three days this week. They have an out-of-town funeral. One can imagine my response. YES! He'll be here at 8:30 Monday morning until Wednesday afternoon.
This week holds appointments for my blood work and dr. appt on Thursday afternoon. I canceled my last appointment, so must be a good girl and go.
Weathermen predicted a 50% chance of rain today.....we're getting 0. Wonder if tomorrow's 80% chance will materialize. Being it's Saturday, a good old fashioned thunderstorm would be welcome. Guess I'm awaiting the May flowers that need April showers.
There's absolutely nothing newsy in our world right now, which is as we like it. I did place an eBay order for a book entitled The Baron in the Trees by Calvino. Watched an interview with Calvino's daughter and Richard Gere, and that's where I was introduced to this novel. It's the story of a young Italian nobleman who rebels by climbing into the trees and staying there for the rest of his life. In the interview, Gere read a few excerpts from the book.
Now I have two things to look forward to!