Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Have been away from preserving my thoughts for a few days.  No matter what a person does, it's good to take mini breaks.  Anyway, that's a trick I learned long ago.

Easter is behind us.  Because we had been exposed to Covid, we declined our family gathering.  We see no sense to take chances when it's not necessary.  The G-clan gets together often, so it's no great shake-up when we're absent.  The two of us fixed a ham supper, with crockpot potatoes, scalloped corn, and salad.  A quiet, very peaceful Easter Sunday.

In a short while we'll be off to sign our income tax papers and get that annual task checked off our list.  The first question this morning was, where are we going to eat lunch?  There's a drive-in still operating in that town, and they have the best sloppy joes.  That was my first vote, which the boyfriend ratified.  Maybe will have an order of their greasy onion rings.  What the hay.......never know how long the place will keep going, and never know how long I'll keep going.  

Our patio door is open, and fresh air is coming in through the screen.  Already have seen bees buzzing around.  The seasons have definitely exchanged places.  

Have a lot of things on my list, and no motivation.  Oh, I have motivation to do fun stuff, but none whatsoever for the have-to stuff.  

A couple of days ago my blow dryer caught on fire while I was drying my hair.  At first I heard a noise and then smoke came out of it.  I quickly tossed it on the floor and unplugged it from the wall.  

A few minutes ago I placed a pick-up order from Walmart, which includes a new blow dryer, a new shade of Essie nail polish, lipstick, and lavender-jasmine soap.  Some girls go to salons for massages, pedicures, manicures, and all sorts of pamperings, but this is my idea of pampering myself.

Let's all enjoy the pleasant weather! 


  1. BCB here again. Wanted to share with you that I was invited to see the play Hamilton at one of our downtown Minneapolis theaters last Saturday. I have to admit I had not taken the time to study up on Hamilton's life. As a result, I was lost during the storyline. So when I came home I got on the internet and Googled Alexander Hamilton so I could refresh my memory based on what I just heard and saw during the play. It was a very good play with mostly an east coast cast. They did use a few regional actors. Apparently, a movie was made using clips from the original play. If you have not seen it yet, check it out.

  2. Thanks, BCB. I shall do a bit of research on Alexander Hamilton's life. Bet it was fun going to the play which gave you insight into a new life story.
