Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Yesterday a message came through on my phone from my sister by marriage, Debbie, with a note saying she meant to send me this photo for my birthday, but she forgot to push 'send.' .........

Stargazer Lily
Symbol of Abundance and Prosperity

 I took a day to search for God,
And found Him not.
But, as I trod
By rocky ledge, through woods untamed,
Just where one scarlet lily flamed,
I saw His foot print in the sod.
~Bliss Carman


  1. I thought that was a Stargazer.
    Enjoyed a wonderful visit from Burgundy and her family. It was fun to have both my girls and their girls around. We laughed a lot.
    The Mr. is mowing and weed-whacking. Does Mr. G. miss doing lawn care?

  2. So happy you had time with your girls.

    As to the lawn care? My no, he doesn't miss it. One of the reasons we moved was to eliminate the work both in the house and outside. Now it's time we watch others do all the home maintenance. It all got to be more and more work the older we got. Plus, we wanted to situate ourselves for later life, being we don't have children to watch over us and care for us.
