Stayed up till 2:30 this morning watching a 9-hour police interrogation of a 22-year-old male of Asian descent who was arrested for killing two people with an axe. The interview was so compelling, there was no way I could simply shut down my computer, go to bed, and fall asleep till morning. Nope, had to stay up to see the end. After a grueling 9 hours of expert tactical questioning, the accused refused to say one word explaining the motive for his actions. At the close of the interview, the female police officer said to him one last time, "At least tell me that you're sorry." His reply to her, "For what?" At that point, she closed her computer, picked up her file and phone, and looked at him while saying with utter disgust, "You're an animal."
Even though I was sitting in my recliner, gotta say that I was whipped as if I'd been the one interviewing him. The female officer was a 27-year veteran in the field, about as highly qualified and capable as they come. Yet, she couldn't get through to him. All he kept saying for nine hours was, "I have nothing to say." He was formally charged with two counts of first degree murder.
The boyfriend let me sleep this morning, cuz he'd gone to bed before me and knew my pillow would be empty until the wee hours. If anyone out there is interested in the legal arena, these interrogations are on You Tube.
Don't have plans for today, other than fixing one of my zucchini casseroles for supper. Gonna make a large batch so we can have leftovers. I got the recipe a long time ago from my neighbor-friend, only I add ground pork to make it a meal. We've eaten sweetcorn for a few meals, and now we've had enough. With the garden harvest, it's either feast or famine.
Another gorgeous day outside. Sat out on the deck in my chair yesterday afternoon reading poetry. When happy hour rolled around, I enjoyed a toddy. My chair has a fold-out cup holder, which holds my drink glass perfectly. Giggled to did I ever find a chair so ideally suited to me and my lifestyle.
More than likely my brain will get entwined in another something or other this afternoon. It's like having my own private movie theater on my lap. Let's all be good to ourselves and make the most of Life while we have it. Ta-ta.