Monday, August 8, 2022


The fuzzy one got us up at 7.  Was weary and went back to bed, with the fuzzy one laying next to me.  Slept for a couple of hours.  During that time, I was blessed with a beautiful dream that was spent with my maternal grampa.  Oh, how I loved him when he was here with us.  In the dream, he and I were going to order hamburgers with cheese, onion and ketchup.  He said we had to have fries, too.  The dream felt so real..... my day feels the positive impact of that visionary visit.  In the dream, he gave me $10 to pay for the food, but the bill came to $29.  Interesting how inflation and the change in years was part of the scenario.

Dreams are one more of life's phenomenons.  There are those who interpret and explain, but, in my opinion, it's merely an effort to say we can see beyond ourselves.  

The fuzzy one is my buddy.  When I wanted to go back to bed, he snuggled next to me and fell asleep, too.  His age and mine make napping a necessity and a pleasure.  Now, I'm wide awake and he's asleep in his comfy and cozy doggie bed.  

Two of our Venny friends brought over a bone-in ham while I was sleeping.  They asked Dale to cut it in half, and they gave us the ham bone half.  The crock pot already has 15-bean soup heating up, and the rest of the ham I'll make another day into the boyfriend's favorite scalloped potatoes with ham.  More Venny Share.

Tracked my new laptop, and it's in town out for delivery.  Yay!  My new wireless earphones arrived yesterday.  Am replacing the Acer Chromebook with a 2022 Acer Chromebook.  Last time I replaced one all the information that was stored in the cloud magically appeared on the new one.  When I use the word 'magic,' that's exactly what I mean.  Where is the 'cloud?'  Cannot fathom the human minds that design and create the techy toys we use every day.  No one can imagine what it's like for a computer junkie to be without her laptop.  I've been able to partially charge this older model with Dale's plug-in.  It's usable for only a short time and then the battery is depleted.

Riding lawn mowers are buzzing around the complex.  Their green mowers turn on a dime and literally fly from one end to the other.  Can go way back and remember using the old self-powered mowers.  Sort of like comparing a Model A to a 2022 vehicle.  People didn't mow as much of an area as today.  Some of the mowed lawns are huge, requiring time and extra work in weed-eating and trimming around trees, fences and next to buildings.  Well-groomed lawns don't just magically happen.

The sun's shining now.  Best grab a bowl of cereal.  It's noon and still haven't had breakfast.  Our big meal of the day is supper.  Probably should be noon, but humans are creatures of habit.  Plus, we always have supper to look forward to later in the day.  Haven't been using my new Adirondack chair cuz of the heat and humidity.  At least I can look out and see it gracing the deck.