Woe is me! My Acer Chromebook is almost worn out. With mega hours of use every day, am not surprised. The plug-in ports are worn, cover is partially broken, and battery no longer charges. Am now down to 21% of battery life.
With that said, I may not be posting for a few days.....until a new 2022 Acer Chromebook arrives. Placed the order yesterday. Also ordered wireless earphones. Kinda like a belated birthday present.
This girl cannot survive without a trusty laptop. It's like my life support. We all have our own special areas of interest, and the laptop is mine. That and books. Maybe it'll be good for me to take a break, cuz there are times I feel I'm addicted to my computer like some are addicted to drugs or alcohol.
Perception is everything. Some could say I'm addicted, but I prefer to say I'm blessed. Blessed to have something in my life that affords me every-day hours of enjoyment and costs $235 to purchase on Amazon. Don't have to drive anywhere to get it, just press a couple of buttons and in a few days it'll be delivered to Venny. Talk about living in a wonderful era of history. Recognizing our rainfall of blessings each and every day is a great exercise for feeling fulfilled and content.
Best scoot and save what little life remains in my beloved laptop. Stay cool, stay safe and stay well.