Finally kicked through the barrier keeping me from reorganizing the main bedroom closet. It has been six years since we transitioned to our late-life home and now it's time to do a thorough redo.
Everything's been taken out of the closet, piled on the bed. True to adage, that first step is the hardest. The carpet is vacuumed and shelves above the hanging clothes are thoroughly cleaned with Clorox wipes. Am a proponent of Clorox wipes as our cleaning tool of choice. Like I said before, the clothes are re-hung on different sides of the closet.
The "donate" box is overflowing. A few pieces of clothing were tossed in the circular receptacle. Stains are a fact of life for all of us. The older we get, the more we revert to our, maybe we need to wear bibs. Face it, kids, this girl dribbles on the front of my clothes. Oh, well, better get used to my frailties, cuz they ain't going away.
Must share the experience that slapped me a few minutes ago. Was on eBay, found a willow-woven basket to hold spices on the countertop. The price was $9.99.....with the option of placing a lower offer. That seemed kinda odd, considering how nice the item was. Regardless, I typed in an offer of $7 to see if the seller would accept. Before I pressed the "send offer" button, I noticed the shipping for this item that weighed about 2 pounds was $72. OMG. I quickly deleted my proposed order. Had I pressed it, I'd have been what they poetically call 'screwed.'
This is where we are now on eBay. We must be extremely careful that we don't fall bait to these traps set for us innocent buyers. Am glad this happened, cuz, this puts me on guard. Somehow our world has changed into a scam swamp, and it's in our best interest to exercise personal caution. Now I know how the poor animals feel when they saunter through their backyards and get caught in iron traps....where they suffer until they die.
Tonight's supper is a bone-in ham that's been in the freezer, along with baked potatoes and frozen corn from last year. Tis toddy time, and we're having our pre-meal sips. It's a biblical ritual, I believe.
Watched more of the Parkland, Florida, sentencing hearing that will decide the sentence for Nicholas Cruz. The defense presented quite a picture of the defendant's life and his mother's drug and alcohol addictions nine months prior to his birth. The testimony was broadcast live, and the judge has adjourned until tomorrow.
Til' then.....