Friday, August 19, 2022

Major news alert:  the master bedroom closet is empty.  All clothes piled on the bed.  Hesitation leaps at me when I call our bedroom "the master" bedroom.  Gracious sake, that sounds so empirical and lofty.  My preference is to call it our main bedroom.  With everything out of the closet, now comes the fun part....deciding what to put back and where to put it.  The task awaits my ambition.

Just like Venny's main common area downstairs is referred to as the Great Room, which lends to it a flavor of grandiosity.  Somehow, tho, it accurately describes the space with reference to the "grand staircase."  We humans tend to put frills on common things.  Some critics feel that eloquent words tend to deceive. 

Don't have any idea where this chain of thought is heading.  These thoughts flit through my brain and down to my fingertips, where they land on screen.  Think of the human computer that allows for that process to happen.  Life is amazing.

Quite a few young gals briskly walked by this morning.  All of them are skinny as rails, probably in their twenties.  Can't help but wonder what they'll look like when they graduate to my age.  It's a good thing Our Creator put a curtain in front of us so we don't know what's on the other side of that curtain.  No matter where we find ourselves in the whole wide world, not one of us knows what's gonna happen at the next minute.  Doesn't matter how we plan, how we pave and paint our paths, life remains a mere toss of the dice.

A thunderstorm passed over us last night, with lightning, thunder and rain.  The corn crops look outstanding, and our lawns are still lush and green.  Guess farther south in our state the lawns are already brown.  Every time it rains, I whisper a prayer of gratitude.  

That reminds me of the last time the G-clan got together.  It had started to rain, and two of the little great-nieces left shelter and skipped out in the rain.  Omigod, talk about little ones after my own heart. 

Something urged me to go join them in their rain dance, but I resisted and stayed seated in the lawn swing.  For lots of years now, I've not taken an umbrella.  Just one simple way of feeling free with walking barefoot in water puddles. 

Stayed up again until 3 a.m., brain embroiled in another Canadian criminal interrogation.  Am learning a great deal about human behavior and how incredibly skilled some people are at not telling the truth.  Police spend hours and hours using multiple strategies to trip up the suspect.  That's the part that grips my attention.  One cannot watch these criminal interviews without facing the harsh reality that life truly is a stage of actors and actresses.  Last night's video involved a mother whose 2-year old boy drowned in the bathtub while she was in bed having a fling with her live-in boyfriend of two months.  That mother's ability to lie was mind-boggling.  Kind of makes me understand now why some human relationships fizzle over time, ending in painful betrayal. There's a lot going on with people that we aren't aware of.  Our perceptions can be easily skewed and our thoughts misled and inaccurate.  Many times when we think we're helping someone, we're actually walking in a minefield....only because we don't really know anyone else's business.  Maybe that's why we all have heard the old adage that it's best to mind one's own business. 

Last night's supper of zucchini casserole was delish.  Along with it, I made a Mediterranean salad with cut-up tomatoes, green peppers, onions, black and green olives, salt and pepper, grated cheddar cheese, pickles and a wine vinegar and oil dressing.  

Best get on with my day.  Ta-ta till the morrow.


  1. Minefield. Such is the case for a relative of mine currently. A former co-worker of this relative was refusing to go to the hospital; end result: pancreatic cancer. Relative never knew this person drank heavily and was so sick. Daughter of co-worker called relative. Relative went over; called 911. Next day: daughter's boyfriend committed suicide in the same house. Drugs. So sad. Relative doesn't want to become any more involved than she is. Proofreading this sounds like a novel. Relative doesn't want to know any more about the co-worker's business. She feels exactly that way - that she stepped into a minefield.

  2. Omigod, thank you for sharing that. Very powerful example of what I meant. So terribly sad.

  3. She says she likes her simple, ordinary, ho-hum life.

  4. Every day I, too, cherish my simple, ordinary, ho-hum life. Am learning that contentment is one of life's greatest gifts and achievements. Not one bone in my body yearns for glitz, glamor or glory. Life in my tiny thimble is where I'm the most comfortable....with the boyfriend, of course.

  5. Those young gals walking by that our skinny. Take a look at their parents and/or grandparents can tell you what they will look like at our age.

  6. Good thought.....we look like those who made us!
