Saturday, August 6, 2022

Weekend's here.  Air is heavy and hazy.  Cuddy wanted to spend time on the deck, but wanted back inside right away.  Too humid for comfort.   

Yesterday's Chinese lunch was yummy, and my first public use of chopsticks went quite well.  The restaurant has a box of plastic gloves available for the buffet line, and this girl used em.  Covid is on a comeback, to the point where tonight's Venny pot-luck supper has been canceled.  A person gets lax in returning to how things were before Covid, but one must admit there's a new normal.  Whether in subtle ways or direct ways.  I liken it to a blight that's descended upon us.  With the additional inflation that can't help but burden our society, there are many who are struggling yet trying to maintain a lifestyle.  More and more we hear people wondering how young families can make it.  From our late-life perspective, it's difficult to look ahead with eyes that have lived the past. 

Went for a short trolley after lunch, part of the way was on gravel roads.  Oh, how we dislike driving our Subee on gravel when meeting cars put us in a cloud of dust.  Stopped to take a photo of this pretty driveway entrance........     

Am half way through Boundary Waters by Krueger.  The print is small and very light, so am using a pair of cheaters that help magnify.  Even my eyes are wearing out, reminding me how hard they work for me.  I don't take eyesight for granted, cuz it's one of our most amazing gifts in life.  As I read Boundary Waters, I imagine us being up there among the tall pine trees, the lakes, listening to the calls of the loons, and all that goes with the Up North feel.  We miss going up there, but the resorts we stayed at are no longer there or have increased their prices to unrealistic rates.  Maybe it's aging, but we're content to be at home reliving the silly and soothing memories of the years already lived.    

Looking more and more like rain.  The boyfriend is in the kitchen fixing us something to eat.  Very quiet outside.  The only thing I see is an ant crawling on the deck railing heading for the hummingbird feeder.  It's kinda funny that I sit here wishing I had the same energy as an ant.