Boyfriend's out running errands. Tis a beautiful hottish summer day. Just took down the two hummingbird feeders in the hopes that the ants and bees will go somewhere else for their fine dining. Bugs drive me nuts.
Little by little the bedroom cleaning is in progress. Baby steps might be an over-exaggeration. Once a thing is taken out, that's it. Adios. Rome wasn't built in a day. Another century-old adage still pertaining to life in our age.
Speaking of quotations, it's time for the annual Walmart Notebook Sale. Got ten for 35 cents apiece. That should last me the year for my note taking and quotations collection.
Cuddy's snoozing in his little bed. He's been out on the deck several times laying in the sun, but soon gets overly warm and asks to come back inside.
Want to mention that if anyone receives a phone call from Publisher's Clearing House about winning lots of money and/or new car, with delivery dates and the whole shmeer.......well, it's a scam. PCH doesn't call their winners. We know someone personally who received such a call real recently, called PCH and were advised it's a scam. They were told to contact the local Sheriff's office. Am passing this along, cuz those scammers are very convincing and very good at what they do. The best advice is.........if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is a scam.Tis time once again for me to think of a subject for my monthly newsletter column. Best get to it. Ta-ta.