'nother day passes by......laptop hanging on by a thread........still able to charge it in bits and pieces. Just tracked shipment of my new one, and this morning it was processed in North Carolina and tonight it's in Illinois. Closer and closer.
This afternoon we went to US Cellular to take advantage of the so-called free cell phone offer that's flooding the air waves. After sitting and listening to the intricate details of the "free" offer, we deduced it's simply a high-caliber corporate con. The details of the new plan, the new price, the new gimmicks (none of which calibrated with my thinking) left us totally confused, but knowing if we want to own a cell phone we're going to have to play dead and dumb and succumb to the corporate sophisticated swindle.
However, we were advised to wait until the end of the month to make the new plan official, cuz it'll make the first billing less complicated and less expensive. Do not ask what that means, but we will wait until the end of the month.
When we left the phone store, we went for turtle sundaes. Parked the Subee in the shade and enjoyed a sweet treat.....mostly to sate our souls. Returned home, kicked off the shoes, and called it a day.
Now our two options are: do we trade our model 10s for the US Cell model 13 regular or 13 Pro? do we pay $28 a month for a protection plan to replace a lost or damaged phone? do we opt for the regular size or the mini 13? The sales lady explained that if we drop the phone in the toilet, the protection would cover the phone. I looked at her like.......look at us......do we look like two people who talk on the phone when we're sitting on the toilet? But, we live in an "ouchy" society and dare not say what we feel, cuz somebody's feelers might get hurt. (sigh)
Gonna check with our renter's insurance policy to see if cell phones are covered. $28 a month protection seems pretty steep to my way of thinking, 'specially during a time of inflation. $28 x 12 = $336 per year. If we have our phones for three years, that's $1,008 that could be spent elsewhere.
Something tells me I'd like the mini-13, but we have a couple of weeks to decide. We ordinary people are smart enough to know that there's no corporation in the world that's going to offer the general public "free" anything. In order to qualify for the "free" we had to drop our old contractual plan and sign up for the "new" more expensive plan. But, there's nothing to be done, other than sign up and suck up. We just want the phones for all kinds of reasons.
That's the state of the union address from our home tonight. Supper's about ready and will close. It's been a day.