Saturday, August 13, 2022


This is the first posting done on my new Chromebook.  Just finished setting it up, and now my mind, body and soul are synced along with Bluetooth and all other gidgets and gadgets that are part of my new companion.  

There's a keyboard change that I didn't realize I ordered, and that's the right-side numerical keypad.  Don't particularly want it there, but I shall get used to the mouse being situated more to the left, as is the alphabetical keyboard.  Will think of a pet name for my new possession, just for fun.  My Chromebook is my drug of choice, perhaps could go so far as to say my narcotic drug of choice.

Love the feel of the keys and their depression.  This one is lighter than the last one, which makes it very light in weight.  

Am sipping a Bloody Mary as a celebratory gesture for my today's boost.  Ta-ta.


  1. I hope you enjoy your new Chromebook. Was wondering when it would be up and ready to go.
    The last laptop I got had the numerical keys on the right. I tried and tried to get used to them. After about three weeks, I gave up and ordered a new one with the keys like an IBM typewriter. My mouse is to the right and I am a far happier person. (There's also one of those squares where one moves about the screen, mouse-less. Grands like it. I don't.)

  2. Yup, I'm gonna have to get used to the alpha-numerical keyboard. Just didn't give that a thought when I placed my order. Ordinarily, I only want the alpha. Oh, well. A few years back after having my right thumb joint replaced and having my right thumb in a cast for a few weeks, I taught myself to use my left thumb on the spacebar. Can you believe I still use my left? So, I know I'll be able to adapt myself to the new one.

    I use the square mouse below the keys. Have now for many years. At first it was foreign, but now I couldn't part with it. We each have to do what suits us.
