Tuesday, August 16, 2022


Went to my eye appointment yesterday.  Have been having pesky problems with my vision lately.  After a very thorough exam, the reason is that the back of my eyes are so dry they look like sandpaper, the words of my optometrist.  There's been a change in my vision, but she'd like to wait with new lenses until my eyes are helped with prescription steroid drops for two weeks, and then a follow-up appointment.  

Found a pair of clip-on sunglasses in the drawer and am wearing them now while I'm on the computer.  Seems to ease the strain.  Also can use Systane drops and gel drops between the prescription drops.  

After the eye appointment, we took off for a trolley down to the river.  Stopped for sandwiches and ate our picnic lunch along the river.  Watched them haul dredged-up sand to another location, where they unloaded the sand to a pit.  

Our friend had moved down in that area, so we went to visit him at his new home right along the river.  He and I are kinda like brother and sister and go way back to childhood.  He was busy in his kitchen canning pickles.  Took us for a tour of his home.  We sat at the kitchen table and looked out at the river and the sand bar on the other side.  We didn't see a barge go by, which is what I always enjoy.  Being his home is close to the river, it's built up high for flooding.  His home has an elevator to help people like me with the steps.  

The river never fails to offer photo ops.  Yesterday's glory was the American Lotus flowers on the carpets of lily pads in the quiet backwaters.   

The water reflections were absolutely glorious at the time of day we were driving by.

Floating Flower Beds

This afternoon at 2:15 will walk down the Venny Hall to the salon where my gray locks will get chopped off.  That's the event of today in my world.  The boyfriend might run a couple of errands.  Other than that, all's good.  Just had a telly chat with my "little sissy" and we shared our daily happenings.  Life is generous in finding sisters for those of us who are without biological female siblings.  Nature has a way of filling the empty places.  That's happened to me over the years so many times, and that's one reason I believe in a Divine Plan. 

The new Chromebook is working famously.  It has a few more new tricks for me to learn, but that's the fun of getting a newer model of these techy things.  I call them perks.  Life holds lots of perks for us.  The trick is to realize them, make use of them, and allow them to make our lives easier.