Thursday, March 31, 2022


A quite light snowfall overnight.  

Stayed up till 3 a.m. again, the cranial cavity wrapped in YT videos of monasteries built on mountains in China and Ethiopia.  Cannot fathom how stuff was constructed on the face of steep mountains of solid rock.  Watched a couple about the ten most interesting villages in China.  Am grateful for those who share their filmed travels for the rest of us to appreciate and experience.  Quite the world.

Hanging Monastery in China

Had a food binge during last night's telethon.  For some crazy reason, couldn't stop eating.  Went from a little bag of Skittles to a frozen oatmeal-raisin cookie, then to french-fried onions with a wedge of Laughing Cow cheese, ending with warmed up dressing and gravy.  Now, that's what I call an out-of-control late-night food frenzy.  Best part was that I didn't care.  Was in a mood where nothing was out of bounds.  Sure glad that doesn't happen often.  Perhaps it was a bit of news that stirred my heart beyond caring.  

Today am back to being what's normal for me......we all have our own levels of normalcy, don't we?  With 8 billion versions of normalcy, should there even be such a word as normal?  

Really quiet out.  With the exception of a lone bird flying by, one would think that civilization has ceased.  When my mind recalls the films of the human-packed streets of China and India, all I can do is say a prayer of thanksgiving.  Don't know how people can live and survive in such close proximity to one another.  Guess I must be a bit of a loner.....why else would monasteries hold such intrigue?

Crowded street in India
Chicken is thawing for supper.  Don't know how we'll fix it yet.  Chicken is always good, however prepared.  After last night's binge, am not the least bit hungry.  Goes to show that it's okay to let go and give in to our cravings.  Sometimes that's all it takes to bring us back on the right path.  Have always been, and hopefully always will be, a foodie.  Good appetites suggest good health, so best enjoy the party while I can.  Have always felt there are too many forceful opinions on what we should eat, how much, and when.  

Can you believe the boyfriend just offered to make us pancakes? can a person say no to that.  Yup, am doomed.   Where's the syrup????????  

Wednesday, March 30, 2022


Foggy.....can't tell if there's a mist in the dreary air.  The boyfriend called together a meeting in the workshop, where he and a couple other Venniers are designing new garden boxes for the garden.  This is the year of garden improvements.  I slept in this morning following yesterday's brain-pounding reading marathon.  The 1,200 page book has small print, which is a chore for the eyes.  At bedtime, the boyfriend told me my eyes looked terribly tired....and, they were.  

Nothing earth-shaking going on that I'm aware of.  An ordinary day that's open to whatever presents itself.  Chili was on last night's menu, so will have a bowl of leftover for a late lunch.  

A friend of mine is at a doctor's appointment about now, so my thoughts are elsewhere.  At our age, these appointments can be scary and filled with doomsday frights.  The only card we humans have in our hands is prayer.  Do you ever stop and think what prayer really is?  My perception has grown to think that prayer is a positive force in the universe.  Heaven knows our universe needs all the positive energy possible to fight the tsunami of fear porn that's put in front of us every day.  

Wasn't the Oscars quite the event the other evening?  Just goes to show the level of self-control that's out there.  Reminds me of a boiling pot of macaroni when the frothy water flows out and over the rim of a kettle onto a clean stove.  There's a point when there's no stopping it.  Seems turmoil is taking over.  

Day after tomorrow my little fuzz bucket returns around noon.  Think I'm gonna spoil the little man more than ever.  Got a picture of my two little fur nieces, Millie and Maggie.  Aren't they adorable little bugs?

Millie and Maggie
We'll be spending Easter with 'em, so they're gonna get cuddled, snuggled, hugged, kissed until they'll want to run far away from me.  Love 'em to bits and pieces.

Nothing on earth warms my heart like my little white fuzzy ones.  True, unconditional love.  It's pretty hard to trump something that's truly unconditional.  With that said, must nuke the chili and quiet the hungry tummy.  Ta-ta. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

"Like the rest of us, he was part of flawed humanity."  Those are the words that struck me the hardest while watching and listening to the Prince Phillip's Thanksgiving Service at Westminster this morning.

Those words strike me as an umbrella held over all 8 billion of us, each struggling to make it from our own personal birth to that last breath that knows there will be no more to follow.  During that struggle, it's only too human to forget how flawed we really are.  It's so much easier to see the flaws of others, kicking our own beneath the carpet of daily life so no one will see.  

That's what I took away from the videos of the somber celebration.

The boyfriend is out and about this morning.  His shopping list included clothing, so, needless to say, he wasn't able to place an online order.  Lazy me stayed back to be exactly, write and roam around the internet.  A clay pot and potting soil is awaiting on the kitchen counter, and the boyfriend instructed me to wait until he cleans the flower pot before the big transplant.  

I know where there is a Christmas Cactus that's in dire need of tender loving care, but lord knows I wouldn't want to offend its owner either by a comment or a suggestion.  That's how friendships are destroyed.  The cactus is literally left to die on its own, and it's driving me nuts.  But, as the boyfriend said to me, you can't rescue everything.

It's overcast now, but a nice day.  Am thinking of ways to spruce up our deck this year.  Intend to spend a good deal of time out there soaking up the sunshine.  Still have our income tax papers to send in to the accountant.  Emailed him yesterday to watch for them in the mail.  He's a personable young man, the kind that makes for a sweet son.  Never having had kids myself, I always imagine young people and wonder what it would be like if I'd been their mother.  Most likely any kid of mine would now be serving time behind bars.

Am now going to tramp off with Sherlock while the house mate is gone.  Reading and silence go very well together, so will capitalize on the quiet time to stuff more into my cranial cavity.  

Stay safe.  Stay well.  Stay heppy.  Ta-ta.  

Monday, March 28, 2022

Cuddy's mommy is a master quilter.  The quilts that girl puts together are amazing.  She has one of those big quilting machines, so she's able to do a quilt from the first stitch to the last.  

While at their home the other evening for dinner, I asked to take photos of the two quilts she's now working on.  One quilt will be made of one-piece bathing suits and bikinis.  The other will be made of all different colored Hawaiian men's shirts.  The colors she uses absolutely pop and are beautiful.  Here are the photos I took. 

One-piece swimsuit

Polka Dot Bikini
(there's a yellow table runner
behind the quilt piece)

Hawaiian Shirt 
Quilt piece

It's my privilege to visit with someone who is so into quilting.  She and her husband go on these quilt hops that take in many quilt shops.  Never having made a quilt myself, I love listening to her tell about her fabrics, how she chooses the patterns, and it's amazing how many of her finished quilts she gives away.  Talk about a generous person.  She's given us one, and we have it folded on my cedar chest with three stuffed puppies on top.  

Spent a good deal of yesterday reading Holmes mysteries.  Feel obligated to keep plugging away so I can return the classic to its owner.  My life has been enriched by this read, never having been introduced to a character like Sherlock.  One thing the stories impart to the reader is the power of observation and the power of deduction.  Can't help but leave a footprint on one's own life.  We're all so used to forming our own opinons about things, not making room for other perspectives.  For that reason, I'm finding new ways to think.

Guess what!  Our Christmas Cactus is going to blossom for Easter!  How special is that.  Remember last year it blossomed twice, too.  Never would've guessed that I could get so attached to a plant.  After inheriting Mabel, now have a soft heart for Christmas Cactuses.  Still haven't replanted the sprig that broke off.  It's still in a glass of water, roots growing.  Dale is going to find a small clay planter and potting soil so she can have her own place.

Before I close today, want to wish my dear sweet friend Mary a happy birthday, which she celebrated yesterday.  So, here's happy birthday, sweet girl, you live in my heart.  Glad to have you back in Iowa.
Specially for Mary

Saturday, March 26, 2022


Another late-night YT royal family binge.  Finally, at 3 a.m. the lid of the laptop went down and was off to bed. 

Have no idea why the royal family's daily life interests me.  Maybe because it's so "out there" that it's like watching fantasy.  It's no secret that Prince Charles and his current spouse were invited to their friends for the weekend.  The Prince had his entire bedroom suite moved in moving trucks.  Dig this......he even takes along his own toilet seat.  As a postscript to the video, it was made clear that he was never invited to stay with those friends again.

Sometimes it's therapeutic watching how people of other stations in life actually live.  Imagine demanding your shoelaces be ironed?  How below sea level do the royals think the rest of us are.........human is human.........what happens to us also happens to them, except they hide their humanness.  Their staff and servants do the menial survival chores for them.  If perfect honesty is being expressed here, it's enough to make me sick.  But.......the intrigue of royalty gives royal credence to my simple life and self-sufficiency.  

Went to Cuddy's house for supper last evening.  First, we had a cocktail in a caramel-rimmed glass along with a charcuterie board of cheeses, sausages, grapes, green olives and bacon-wrapped water chestnuts.  Supper was a delightful meat loaf, party mashed potatoes, home-grown sweet corn, delish lettuce salad, all topped off with key lime pie and whipped cream for dessert.  Also included Cuddy cuddles!

Cuddy will be returning to stay with us on April 1st for a few days, from Friday at noon till Tuesday at 3.  Wrote a thank-you text to them this morning, referring to them as Our Trinity.  At our age, we view all goodness in our lives as blessings. 

Our Venny friends from AZ called today to say next weekend they'll be heading back home.  Yay!  Our Venny family is sacred.  Dale told them to keep in touch on their way home so we can track them like Santa on Christmas Eve!

Soon the sun will set on another beautiful day.  Gotta say, we had a snow squall yesterday afternoon.........naturally, we loved it while it lasted.  

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Later-in-the-day post.  

Spent a quiet day, just the two of us reading, watching the telly, and the usual.  Nothing on our to-do list, which is always right up our tree.

Tomorrow evening we're invited for dinner to Cuddy's house.  Can imagine how we're looking forward to that.  Yesterday a precious/beautiful wee one, momma, gramma and auntie came to vist.  A special day holding and adoring a beautiful baby birl.  When they left, we were invited next door for wine and a chat.  When we came home and settled in for the evening, we commented on how blessed was our day.

Tonight's supper is most likely not among the favorites of most people.  Liver and onions prepared by Chef Dale.  Sides are mashed potatoes and creamed corn.  As I've said over and over, as a little girl I couldn't stand eating liver.  But, the way Dale prepares it, well, count me in for seconds.  He flours and seasons the liver, fries it on the stove top smothered in onions, and then puts it in the oven.  Can remember as a kid being told how good liver is for us, high in iron.  

Nothing newsworthy.  A hum-drum, peaceful string of hours with no complaints and no surprises.  Can't hardly beat a day like that! 

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Another overcast light-mist day.  Up earlier than usual, as the man of the house has a Venny Council meeting at 10.  

One of the sprigs of our Christmas Cactus broke off.  Have the base of it in a glass of water.  Can see three small sprouts, or roots, so will plant it in its own planter.  Would be kinda nice to have another one to nurture and watch grow.  

Woke up yesterday, only to find the crocheted valance and its rod on the floor.  Sometime overnight the darned thing must've fallen.  Would guess we didn't have the spring tight enough.  

Two wild ducks flew by, heading toward the northwest.  Looks more like a dreary November day, rather than March.  Our state had some awful tornadoes again this week.  

Company is coming this afternoon.  Yup, we're having a wee one visit us, along with her mommie, auntie and gramma.  It's been quite awhile since we've been with a few-month-old baby.  

Stay safe.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Our home is mising one heartbeat today.  The little fuzzy one returned home to his owners, after living with us since December.  Both his mommy and daddy came to pick him up.  We sat and had a wonderful visit, sipped on some caramel Black Velvet, to celebrate their safe return.  When they gathered up his toys and bed, it felt like someone was ripping my heart out with no pain killer.  I went out on the balcony and watched them drive away, and that's when the real void kicked in.

Good news is we're invited to the fuzzy one's home Friday afternoon for drinks and dinner.  Plus, we got a list of their 2022 vacation schedule, which has trips planned for most every month.  Yup, the fuzzy one shall return.

It's sprinkling out now.  Overcast.  Nice, cozy spring day.  Yoo hoo, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, where are you?????

Sunday, March 20, 2022


Wrote a short ditty yesterday but forgot to publish it.  Being there was no newsworthy content, pushed the delete button and will start over.

Our six-some party last evening was very very nice.  Good food, conversation and catching up after Covid's unwelcome intervention.  Like I say, friendships become pearls in the oyster the older we get.  Let us all try to remember that and not allow good friends to slip out of our hearts.  

Another pretty day, with the sun shining.  A big beautiful moon lighted our way home last night.  A beautiful night's eye that watches over us all.  

Returned home about ten o'clock and then I played games of 10x10, which draws me back to the board with little success.  To me, it's not a competition, but gotta say I was ecstatic the day I achieved a score of over 2,000.  There are those players who score 20,000+.  Keeps my brain active, which is the real goal.  

Am still undefeated in playing Wordle.  May have to graduate to the 6-letter version.  Have a darned backache today, so will pamper myself by spending the day with Sherlock Holmes and Mr. Watson.  There's a big annual meeting out here this afternoon.  The boyfriend is going, but not me.  Will stay home with Cuddy.  Have entered the safety zone of life, thanks to Covid.  There's something therapeutic about spending pristine time....time that's not yet been lived.....and making it one's own with whatever fosters our personal peace of mind and heart.  

Today is the first day of Spring.  As the days open up, so will Nature's plant kingdom.  Beneath the soil the quiet miracle of life is getting ready to bring us beautiful shades of greenery, colorful flowers and the grains that feed humanity.  Snow has melted into the ground, and soon April showers will be the holy water that brings the dormant back to life.  I'm one who sees beauty in the world of weeds, as well.  Our Creator didn't label some plants good and some plants bad.  Nope, that's the work of the human brain that really is quite dysfunctional in so many ways.  Why else would our world be the way it is right now.  Can't help but wonder what the sweet yellow dandelion thinks when it's chemically destroyed or cut down with weed eaters and lawnmowers.  Yet, it's next-door neighbor, the daffodil, is revered and placed in the center of our tables.  Same color, different label.  Hmmmmmm.



Friday, March 18, 2022


Yesterday's dinner party at our house was called off mid-day, due to one of our sixsome not feeling well and needed to go to the hospital.  The main thing is that she returned home.  The meal was entirely prepared, and we could have invited other friends for supper.  But, there's this business of having guests feel like they're second choice, and I would never want anyone to feel like that.  So, instead, the two of us ate two helpings each of some pretty darned good Guinness Irish Stew served over Colcannon mashed potatoes, along with Irish soda muffins.  We were too stuffed to eat the Dutch apple pie with cool whip.  

Remember my Mom always telling me not to make plans, cuz things don't always work out.  Despite her advice, am one who plans inside my head for days before having friends over, and the longer I plan the more excited I get.  Yup, Mom's words came to haunt me yesterday.  

My Daddy always had a saying, too.  Health is our wealth.  And, boy, how true that is.  The older we get, the more thankful we must be each day that we are able to do the things we want, or not do the things we don't want to do.  Once our health is compromised, there's no peace of mind from that point on.  There's always that nagging fear in the back of our heads.  Guess that's why we have the Serenity Prayer.  Change the things we can....accept the things we can't.  

The early morning light rain has now turned into light snow.   Blessed springtime moisture.  Cloudy, dismal, and I like it.  A day suitable to Sherlock Holmes and more leftovers from last night's postponed supper.  Cuddy and I cuddled in bed this morning after the boyfriend left for an eye doctor appointment.  He's gone through a lot with his eyes this last year or two.  Both of us have itchy, dry eyes, and put eye drops in every day.  Some days are worse than others.  Almost makes one think there's something in the air, or allergies or something.  

My close friends know that
there's another F word hidden
in my back pocket.......
just in case!


Thursday, March 17, 2022


Am going to share a bit of knowledge that gives me cause for pause with regard to the global affairs.  We watch You Tube alot, from vlogs to documentaries to livestreams of everyday people, and sometimes even news.  Maybe everyone else realizes this already, but only yesterday did the truth sink into my brain.

Quite a few people out there are monetized on You Tube.  Many people are making big bucks with their channels, whether it be cooking, prepping, traveling.......or writing fear porn.  Yup, fear porn.  Never noticed before that the channels who show and warn us about awfully frightening things about to happen, from food shortages to nuclear war, are the ones with the most views.  The more views the more money they make.  Once they find their niche, they're making videos and scaring the heck out of the rest of us.  In other words, nice people are making big bucks by posting what's now called fear porn.  Personally, this gives me hope that just maybe the world isn't going to end one of these days.

That's my tid bit for the day.

Am headed for the kitchen to begin fixing our St. Patrick's Day supper for six.  A Marie Callendar's Dutch Apple Pie is in the oven, timer set for one hour.  Then I put the package of crumble on top of the pie, put back in the oven for another 10 minutes.  Simple and sure to be delicious.

Saturday morning Cuddy is going to his salon for a bath before our party and then before he returns to his real home on Monday.  I'm calling it Black Monday.  We want the little guy to be as well kept as can be.  Called the groomer a few minutes ago, and I know she went out of her way to do this for Cuddy Saturday.  She is one of those gals who's the real deal.  

Best get the place spiffed up if we're having guests arriving at 5.  We're so grateful for our true friends.  Old and new.  

Stay safe, my dears.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022


 Just returned from the salon down the hall......feeling like a helmet's been removed from my head.  Before leaving, had to take a photo to post.........

Can't say why the hair looks dark when my hair is gray.  Anyway, am now sporting a new 'do' and must admit that it feels pretty darned good.  Have the sweetest stylist, so we laughed and joked the whole time.  Was what I'd call a mental therapy session as a perk.  

Placed an order at our local store for the St. Patrick's supper at our house.  Can't wait to tell how our Irisn meal turns out.  Was going to make a white cake mix and poke holes with lime jello, but figured why not just buy a Mrs. Collander's Dutch Apple Pie and be done with it.  Last time I ordered one, they didn't have 'em on hand.  Will go with whatever.  Can't get too worked up over something as little as dessert.  After all, who doesn't like apple pie.  Will serve it with whipped cream, a drizzle of warm caramel sauce, sprinkled with chopped nuts.  Would have liked butter pecan ice cream, but thought it might melt before getting it home.  

Want to thank my faithful followers for their kind and sweet and caring comments.  Writing every day gets lonely, so you have no idea what the messages mean to me.  Many thanks, many thanks.

We're having taco salads for supper.  Easy-peasy.  Made a big macaroni salad day before yesterday, and that was a treat.  Hadn't made that in a long time.  Put macaroni, peas, green onions, celery, hard-boiled eggs, cheddar cheese, spam cut in small pieces, and Miracle Whip with sweet pickle relish.   It was a yumm-O.

Well, gonna settle in for the evening.  Will work tomorrow getting ready for our party Thursday.  Am going to try an appetizer that I found.  Mix together 1 cup of shredded cheddar cheese, 1 cup mozarella cheese, chopped black olives, chopped green olives, 1/2 cup Kraft Miracle Whip chopped green onion.  Put a little of this spread on top of garlic Triscuits, place on a parchment paper lined cookie sheet, and bake at 375 for 5-6-7 minutes, depending.  Will try 'em and see.  It's fun to serve something different.  

There's a small white spot in the blue sky......the moon is looking at me.  I love the moon.

Sunday, March 13, 2022


The digital atomic clock that sits on a bookshelf is impossible to program the time, so for the past months it's been one hour behind.  As of this morning, the time is correct.  Have fiddled with the technological nightmare, to no avail.  There are certain instances when the human must let the clock win.

Picked out a hairstyle that am going with this summer, starting now.  Cannot hack the longish hair.  Am too much of a sweaty-betty, even if I put it up.  It's a pixie-bob style advertised for us gals who have been whipped into submission by the years.  Sure wish I knew where the real me went. 


In our younger years, we poked fun at older women with blue hair.  Poor dears were just trying to look nice.  Heck, at my last appointment my stylist tried putting a lavender tint, but my gray hair didn't take to it.  Not trying that again this time, but later in the summer just might.  Depends on my mental condition.  If depression and anxiety overtake me, then just might try something silly to spiff up the spirits.  The only thing that could make me look better is a Walmart sack over my head!

This week we have two parties to look forward at our house on the 17th and another at our dear friends' home in another town.  Little Cuddy gets to be involved in both.  Next week is when our puppysitting term expires, and already there's a void settling into the pit of my tummy at the very thought of giving him back to his rightful owners.  He and I have grown so attached.  At night, he snuggles up close to me.  I'll wake up, and can feel his warm little body tucked up close to mine.  Just thinking about it fills my eyes with tears.

Cuddy's groomer asked if we'd like to have a little dog of our own.  When she came out to meet us, this little white fuzzy thing ran out of the house.  OMG.  He'd have been ours if we'd have wanted.  But, we know better at our age than to assume a responsibility like that.  A few years younger, and it'd have been a different story.  We'd best concentrate on caring for ourselves.  

Sounds like warmer weather is on the way, up in the 50s and 60s.  That means I'll have to go to the hardware store and buy a weed whacker to shave my legs.  

Well, best shower and get ready for a quiet Sunday.  Stay safe.

Saturday, March 12, 2022


Golf and basketball alternating on the telly, Cuddy is snoozing in his bed, and am taking a break from the big book. When friends are kind enough to lend a treasured book of theirs, it's only right to read and return asap.  

Had a Venny friend drop in a few minutes ago.  She's a dear one, so our chat was warm and full of smiles.  Showed her my latest creations, and she really liked the dancing rainbows on the bedroom walls.  Enough sunshine was available in the window for her to see the magic in motion.

Most of the snow has melted into the ground, only a few white mounds here and there.  Daylight Savings Time starts tomorrow.  We'll be springing forward, gaining more evening sunlight.  In reality, it seems silly that we change the clock to suit us, but, for me, it never mattered.  It's quite easy to go with the flow of the time change.  Just don't give it brain space.  

Have to say that the deck is looking more and more inviting.  Cannot wait to bring back the outdoor furniture and carpet.  Will start thinking of a way to spruce it up, maybe with some artificial plants.  Am not going to have real plants that require daily attention, the dried leaves and blossoms fall on the carpet.  Am quite sure I can put some beautiful fabric flowers and greenery together for the effect.  Maybe I'll find something at a thrift store.  People tend to part with some upscale stuff after one season's use.  

It's time to watch a movie or travel documentary on YT.  Ta-ta.

Friday, March 11, 2022


Have had my head in the Holmes mysteries till my eyes are crossed.  The size of print is small and the weight of the book is heavy.  At times my eyes and hands protest, but have over 1,000 pages to go.   

In writing these stories, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle includes Goethe quotations in German.  For the reader to get the maximum out of the read, one has to rely upon the internet for a translation.  Agatha Christie, in her books, included French quotations that needed translating, too.  Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) is widely regarded as the greatest and most influential writer in the German language.  

Wrote and submitted my article for the Venny March Newsletter.  Chose the top Leprechauns to insert a bit of whimsy.  

Nuthin' new.  Somebody must be thinking about me, cuz my nose itches.  


Thursday, March 10, 2022


Am happy to say the valance is hanging and turned out better than I anticipated, considering it was a design-as-I-go project.  For other hookers, the stitches used were the chain, single crochet, double crochet, which make up the V-stitch and Fan patterns, with a tricot bottom border.....

The goal was to end up with simple and warm....think both were accomlished.  

Forgot to mention that we spotted the first robins of this spring season the day we took Cuddy to the spa.  It's always a big deal when we first see a robin, and this time we were together for the seasonal event.  Keep your eyes open for the red-breasted beauties.

Just saw two deer walking out in the field.  Last night when Cuddy and I went to bed, I put myself to sleep by thinking about the beautiful things in nature, from types of flowers to animals to trees.  The state of our world can upset a person, and Nature is one place that offers us a respite from it all.  Anyway, it does for me.

Did some checking this morning on GasBuddy, and 13 hours ago in Furnace Creek, California, regular gasoline was $8.75 a gallon, midgrade $8.99, Premium $9.23, and Diesel $9.99.  

Oh, as a follow-up to our Subway complaint, we received an email apologizing for our less than favorable experience.  The owner said he talked to his employees.  After receiving the email, I wrote back thanking and accepting the apology, but also said that an apology doesn't remedy the false advertising.  The only way to properly satisfy this customer is to honor the ad as sent to us.  Received no reply.  Guess losing customers really doesn't matter to them.

Consumers will get angry with these inflated prices.  The war on the middle class is on, and we'd best wake up to that fact.  At McDonald's the other day, our receipt gives a Buy One Get One Free Quarter Pounder w/Cheese or Egg McMuffin by going to a website within 7 days and telling about the visit.  Offer expires in 30 days.  Well, we've decided that to balance things out a bit and get every freebie out there, we're going to make darned sure we get a free quarter pounder.  People sneer at McDonald's, but who can be sure of what's in any food in any restaurant.  If food shortages become a real deal, it may get to where the fussy will only be too glad to eat a McDonald's hamburger.  Our new dining out is going to be fast-food joints with freebies.  If the big dogs want to play ball with us, let's shove the bat where the sun ain't never gonna shine.  

The world is cruel, with cruel leaders, seeking to pulverize the middle class.  We have to be smart and make the most of every penny we give them.  I feel sorry for the young people who were never taught the art of frugality.  Stop to think for a minute.  Our Subaru has, I think, a 15-gallon gas tank.  If gas goes up to $10 a gallon, it would cost us $150 to fill the tank.  Imagine those who have to drive long distances to and from work.  

Want to thank my faithful follower, Robin, for sending me a photo of how her kitty is coping with today's world......

One smart kitty!

Wednesday, March 9, 2022


Partly sunny, with the slightest fall of snowflakes as I write this.  Before I begin, want to send a special thank-you to Tall Cottage for checking on me the last couple of days when I didn't post.  Meant alot.

Yesterday was devoted to our precious winter house guest.  Took him to his personal groomer for a spa day.  Got a bath, spring hair cut, pedicure and total spiff-up.  Then we took him for a drive, which he actually settled down enough to enjoy.  (He's not one who likes riding in a car.)  Stopped at McDonald's to get a carry-out Deluxe Crispy Sandwich for me and then crossed over to Culver's for a Walleye Sandwich for the boyfriend.  The gal at Culver's asked if our puppy would like a treat, so Cuddy scored and gobbled it right down.  Yup, we declared it Cuddy's Day and treated him like the royal creature he truly is.  My heart sinks to my shoe when I count the days down till he goes back home on the 21st. That's only 12 days.  When he came to our house in December, it seemed forever till March.  Where did that time go?    

Today will do the handstitching of the curtain rod hem, and the valance will be finished and put on the patio windows.  Tomorrow's post should include a photo of the final project.  Right after I finish writing this, will get to stitching.  Have to zip up my crazy projects for awhile.  Then will concentrate on finishing the Sherlock Holmes mysteries.  After that, maybe will dream up the next craziness that keeps me sane.  (Hey, an unintended oxymoron.)

The boyfriend is making a venture to do some shopping for essentials.  With the world and war situation, empty shelves at the grocery stores are anticipated and within the realm of possibility.  A person doesn't know if we're hearing scare tactics or what, but cautious we will be.  That's why my brain buries itself in 1,200-page mystery books.  

Stay safe, stay money smart.   Remember that inflation is taxation without legislation.  It's as man-made as a car or a slingshot.  

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Tornadoes ripped through out State last evening, and this morning snowflakes are falling.  Our area was spared damage.  So many places and people to pray for these days.  Guess a blanket prayer that begs to keep the world safe is about the best way to not forget anyone.  Even the bad guys need our prayers.

Saturday, March 5, 2022


Rain and possibly a thunderstorm predicted for this afternoon in our area.  For  sure, that's a sign of spring.  Temperature 37 degrees and sunshine right now.

Got up early, cuz the little fuzz bucket was ready to go outside.  Coffee's brewed, and another day is ready to blossom.

Played hooker again yesterday.  Valance is slowly growing in length.  Sometimes I think maybe the thread is too heavy, and other times it's gonna be okay.  Either way, it is what it is.  Why is a person always questioning oneself?  

Made a trial run of Guinness Irish Stew and Irish soda muffins for our St. Patty's Party on the 17th.  Both got a thumbs up and think we're ready to roll.  The soda bread muffin recipe made a dozen.  Put the leftovers in a zip-lock baggie.  This morning they feel like hockey pucks.  Maybe the trick is baking them the day of the party so our guests won't suffer dental damage.  

We're going to serve the stew over Irish Colcannon, which is mashed potatoes with cooked cabbage mixed in.  Will put parsnips in the stew instead of potatoes.  For dessert, am planning to make a white poke cake, with lime jello topped with vanilla pudding and cool whip mixed together.  Our six-some always has some kind of appetizers with our drinks before dinner, and I'm still pondering that part of the meal.  Absolutely love entertaining, always have, always will.  

Friday, March 4, 2022


Don't know if I heard this, or if I read it feels like we've crawled down a worm hole where everything right is wrong, and everything that's wrong is suddenly right.  Seems a day doesn't pass without those words being rubber-stamped by reality.

Today is March 4th.  A twist of the words gives us MARCH FORTH.  Seems there's a growing need for the average person to march forth to protect and maintain our freedoms and privileges.  Some days it appears that there's one huge glaring problem on earth, along with 8 billion ways to solve the one problem.  Gosh, who among us holds the right answer?  How do we decide?  Is humanity beyond the point of civil communication?  Sure seems like it.  

In a way, social media is a war game.  If two people are FB friends and one decides to block the other, isn't that like eliminating the enemy?  Think there are those who find power for themselves when they block a friend or relative.  How different is that than one country attacking another?  Killing one another? The weight of the abuse of power is different, but the idea is the same.  It's like playing with toy soldiers.  Knock a soldier down, and that gives the feeling of power over another.

Am finding it more and more problematic writing every day.  Like walking on cracking ice.  It's a time when one has to be so careful not to offend another.  Instead of growing stronger, humans are growing more fragile.   When I watch livestreams by ordinary people, everyone shares the same current unease.  There's just something that doesn't feel right.  Like the lull before a storm.  Like I said at the beginning, everything right is now wrong.....and everything wrong is now right.  How's a person supposed to live in a world where suddenly a SIN is elevated to be a VIRTUE?  

Have touched on this before, but are others out there feeling the Blame Game?  No matter what happens, it's always someone else's fault.  Some feel they can say whatever hurtful things they want, yet that same person wilts like a flower if someone looks at them wrong.   

Guess these are just personal confused heart among the other 8 billion confused hearts.  

Thursday, March 3, 2022


Looking out our patio doors late yesterday afternoon, a parade of deer crossed over the Venny lawn and into the field.  Quickly grabbed the phone to take a picture.  No more than sat down and another group crossed.  How blessed are we to live where deer live and to share their world.  Best part is that they have no reason to feel threatened here, so they amble about like the rest of us.

Made an appointment for Cuddy to get a spring haircut before the St. Patty's Day parties.  He's so sweet when his hair is long, but can tell he's a bit uncomfortable and too warm.  Comfort overrides cuteness every day in my book.  He gets a haircut one day, and the next day I get mine cut.  It's time for a lift of sorts.  

Absolutely nothing newsworthy on my end.  Watched PS's vlogs filmed in the Hoods of San Francisco and The Bronx.  Makes a person truly appreciate living where we live here in the heart of America.  

Came to a personal conclusion yesterday.  So often I indicate feelings about shattered friendships and family relationships.  As a way to accept these break-ups, I've concluded that maybe it's the Big Plan to sift out the sand from the gold dust.  Kinda like a way to grade sincerity and honesty.  The friends and family that stand beside us to the end are the gifts of gold that are worthy of a place in our hearts.  I like to pass on my thoughts in case someone else out there is living with similar feelings.

On that note.....ta-ta.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022


Cuddy and I went to bed at 9 o'clock last night......wasn't my idea.  Figure this is his vacation and am going to see that he's happy.  Yup, now am taking orders from an adorable eighteen-pound fuzz bucket!

Another pretty day out.  Am going to crochet again, in the hopes of making a bit more headway.  Timed myself, and one row takes me about a half-hour to stitch.  Am not one who believes in speed, but rather accuracy.  Nothing worse than coming upon a mistake in the prior row and then having to rip.  Am also not one to leave a mistake and not rip it.  If I know there's a mistake, it will forever glare at me like a red blinking siren.  Even though no one else on earth would know it's there.  That's perhaps a lingering cell from my earlier days of Type-A behavior.

It's quite a world we live in.  Say this every day.  Even though we each occupy a silly small space on earth, we are still a part of the global whole.  There's a lot of hype about global warming on one hand, but have you noticed the chill in our social relationships?  Friendships and families are under nuclear attack, some totally disintegrating.  The way it appears to me personally, our world is growing colder.

Have started reading the 1,122 page The Complete Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.  As stated in the opening page, it is the only complete, definitive edition of these famous stories.  Originally published in nine separate books, contaning thirteen hundred pages of the best detective fiction in English literature, they are the authoritative text of every Sherlock Holmes story ever written. 

There's a paragraph on page 21, that I want to preserve for my future reference, so will include it here.  Sherlock Holmes states:  "I consider that a man's brain originally is like a little empty attic, and you have to stock it with such furniture as you choose.  A fool takes in all the lumber of every sort that he comes across, so that the knowledge which might be useful to him gets crowded out, or at best is jumbled up with a lot of other things, so that he has a difficulty in laying his hands upon it.  Now the skillful workman is very careful indeed as to what he takes into his brain-attic.  He will have nothing but the tools which may help him in doing his work, but of these he has a large assortment, and all in the most perfect order.  It is a mistake to think that that little room has elastic walls and can distend to any extent.  Depend upon it there comes a time when for every addition of knowedge, you forget something that you knew before.  It is of the highest importance, therefore, not to have useless facts elbowing out the useful ones."

We can each take from those words what we may.  

Tuesday, March 1, 2022


Want to start by thanking B.C. Bonnie for sharing YT's Peter Santenello travel vlogs.  As a result, I spent a few hours last evening in Pakistan.  Peter Santenello shows us the world the media fails to show us.  If anyone enjoys learning through travel vlogs, this guy is the real deal.  

March came in like a lamb, so now the question is will it go out like a lion.  Our weather patterns have changed so much over the last century, don't know if the old adages have the punch they once did.  Our snow is slowly melting, which means it's being soaked up by the ground.  The sun is shining and a pretty day awaits.

Will be spending the day as a hooker......with a crochet hook, that is.  The valance is slowly increasing in size.  Am thus far pleased with the pattern, color and weight of the thread.  Gotta admit to enjoying being a hooker!

Nothing else newsy on my end.  Trying to keep myself distanced from world news, cuz it only increases anxiety and depression.  Heaven knows we don't need more of that.  

Decided yesterday to get my hair chopped off.  Have had it a bit longer, and it requires styling with a brush curling iron.  Am to the point where it's pretty obvious it's time to let go of unrealistic youthful ideations.  Guys have it a whole lot easier.....they can get a butch and no worries.  Am thinking of a really short pixie, that would probably make me look like a frump.  Made an appointment for March 15th at 4:30 with the gal who works in the Venny salon here.  My body temperature feels like I live in a furnace anyway, and the longer my hair, the hotter I feel.  Guess it only makes sense that a hooker would be hot.

Gonna fly for now.