Had a very nice dream last night. In my dream, I hugged my favorite aunt and uncle tightly and told them how much I loved them. That dream was followed by another about my favorite high school teacher. In my dream, I was young and rented an apartment from her. Love-related dreams give my soul so much joy. Not all my dreams are joyful, of course. Some are exactly the opposite. Sometimes I wake up crying.
Giggles and tears. Life is quite the adventure. From one minute to the next, we are unsure what kettle of soup we'll be tossed into next. In one teeny weeny second, our day can go from happy to not-so-happy. A snide word or remark, whether spoken or written, has powerful impact like a bullet. Words don't leave incriminating visible evidence behind, but they sure do leave lasting scars. Think we all know what I'm talking about.On to something else......yesterday read about the WRENS, the Women's Royal Naval Service, which was the women's branch of the United Kingdom's Royal Navy. In her books, Christie introduces her readers to facts, along with the fiction. Before this, didn't know anything about the WRENS. They first formed in 1917 for World War I, disbanded in 1919. Then was brought back in 1939 for World War II, remaining active until integrated into the Royal Navy in 1993. The women in WRENS worked as cooks, clerks, wireless telegraphists, radar plotters, weapons analysts, range assessors, electricians and air mechanics.
Love reading and learning. Every book is a teacher. Along with books, a thesaurus and internet are kept close by so I can delve deeper into things I don't know about. Same with words. Agatha Christie uses some snazzy words that require the thesaurus. Synonyms and antonyms expand our vocabularies. Love 'em.
Dale just read that Minnesota has a case of Omicron.
Another decision changed at our house. At first I said we weren't putting up a tree. Well, now we are. Being we were gifted with a very nice flocked artificial one, we've decided to string lights on it. Also were gifted with really neat red and white icicles. The two of us are flexible, one can easily convince the other.
We've not brought up Christmas decorations for our doorway. The couple across the hall from us have a beautifully arranged entry to their home.
Outdoor temps are still unseasonably warm. Still no snow. Boo hoo. Boo hiss. Wanna see white flakes fall from the heavens. To me, snow has always been one of Mother Nature's most elegant gifts. Oh, I know, I drove on treacherous roads all my life to and from work, but still I love snow. The older I've gotten, I also now like snow globes. I had one once, but have no idea whatever happened to it. Funny how time changes us.