Wednesday, December 8, 2021


 Okay, here's what happened............

Boyfriend attended 10 o'clock meeting yesterday, while I (the resident elf) busied myself decorating the tree.  Strung two 100-strands of multi-colored lights on the flocked imitation tree gifted to us by our Venny friends.  Also put imitation evergreen garland with a string of 50 lights on the fireplace.  Scurried like a squirrel to get my surprise finished before his meeting was over.  Fortunately, all went as planned and was even able to shower and get dressed in my comfies before he walked in the door.

As hard as I try, it's almost impossible for me to get ahead of the man.  I nonchalantly asked where the tree lights were and that was enough to alert him that I was up to something.  Drat.  Regardless, the tree is now decorated, quite pretty, if I say so myself.

Could I please have a drum roll...................................

Our other Christmas darling is the G-clan Christmas Cactus, affectionately named Mabel after Dale's Gramma.  The cactus, as I've already said, is over 100 years old and may have belonged to his Great-Gramma.  We're pleased to see her elegant blossoms.................

Mabel sits above our Gnome Home
Notice the little gnome in the planter.
Mabel's Blossom

As confessed in the past, neither of my thumbs are green.  My sister-in-law Debbie makes up for me.  That girl has a sun room filled with the most glorious orchids, and her outdoor flower gardens have given me the most beautiful summer bouquets.  My one and only living thing from the plant kingdom is my Mabel.  That's why I flaunt her blossoms.  

Mabel lives atop the Gnome Home that I painted a couple of years ago.  The two little gnomes were gifts, as is the Norwegian Nisse.  Like I've said, gifts we receive are sacred, and we love every single thing ever given to us.  All of the gifts we give at this stage of life are hand-made by us.  We totally understand now why our parents gave us their hand-made quilts and grandfather clock.  How else do we leave ourselves behind for those we love.  

Our Christmas celebration this year will be the two of us.  And, that's ever so okay.  We'll have our dinner delivered to us in our unit, cuz we're taking care that the boyfriend stays well before his second cataract surgery two days after Christmas.  Reckon when he's got that over, we'll start some entertaining with our Venny friends.  There are 89 confirmed cases of Covid in our county as of the first week in December.  And, we know that not all cases are reported for statistical purposes.  Enuf of that.

Later yesterday snow flakes fell, but I probably could've counted them.  Forecast inkles the possibility of snow this week, but won't count my chickens before they hatch.  Googled the origin of this old saying and find it to be ancient and appears in a story from Aesop's fables, which were written between 600 and 550 BC. Another part of our lives that comes to us from Greece.  Until now, didn't realize Aesop's fables were that old. Doesn't bother me a bit to expose my not knowing about something.  As often as I've read Aesop's fables, never did I realize how ancient they were.  Yet, their moral teachings remain as true today as they did back then.  Hmmmm..........  


  1. This is the Christmas Cactus. Mine is a Thanksgiving and have never seen a Easter one. The Thanksgiving one is very common those are available in the stores. I've yet to see a Easter one. One of my favorites but looking at mine you won't thing so!
    No tree here, going to our daughters for Christmas a week early so just putting a few ornaments up. Besides most of it is in boxes, unpacked!

  2. By the way, your tree is pretty.

  3. Hey, don't blame you. After your big move, who'd feel like taking stuff out of boxes and then having to put it all back in boxes. December will soon be over and you'll be glad you won't have the work. Enjoy being settled in your new home!

  4. I've wondered if you did a tree. Read you were gifted with one. Nice; very pretty.

  5. Can't believe we're mid-way through February already. Was wondering if your Mr. is still with the Ski Patrol? Always thought that was so neat. One of the ladies out here (recently passed away) was on the Aspen Ski Patrol when she was younger. Quite a remarkable responsibility.

  6. He was. He had to have a carcinoma removed in September. He ended up with staph in it an wasn't good all fall. He decided it best to not be on the Patrol any longer. He was for 47 years.

  7. I would like to have seen Dick reach 50 but it takes a wise person to know when to stop.

  8. Wise words about knowing when to quit. He did more than his share, so he should be proud of his contribution to the sport. Kudos, Dick. Hope your good health was restored. This aging business is quite the challenge. We tell ourselves we have to take life a day at a time, take what we get and deal with all as best we can. We try to make light of our ever-changing pains, aches and malfunctions. I've had so many joints replaced, am practically bionic. All took a toll, and I've accepted the limitations.
