Saturday, December 25, 2021


Spent Christmas Eve watching Christmas movies, where carolers sing the traditional songs we grew up hearing.  Old-fashioned wins over new-fangled in my world.  Would imagine that rubber-stamps my age group, but, hey, am proud to have survived life's high waves and tragic tsunamis.  

Sun is pretty today, and our east-window sun catchers have little rainbows dancing on the walls. However, Santa brought no snow.  

Can imagine the little children around the globe that are excited this morning, ripping apart presents, and the heaps of wrapping paper flung in all directions.  All the work of wrapping is quickly undone by the little hands seeking to see their new presents.  

My personal Santa got up before me and put together a casserole dish of meatballs and gravy and another of scalloped corn for our Christmas supper.  On Christmas Eve we had chili and snacked on cheese, warm spinach dip, crab dip, crackers, green olives, cookies and candy.  Who could ask for anything more.

My favorite song this season is "O Holy Night."  There's something about the melody and the words that touches my soul, deep inside.  Songs that do that are special gifts that remind us there's Something in the Universe that inspires and refreshes so we can keep going.

Merry Christmas.

O, hear the angels' voices..........