Wednesday, December 15, 2021


Think it might be time to pack our bug out bags.  Today's weather forecast sounds dire, with predictions of winds as high as 100 mph.  We're talking hurricane level, and we're right smack dab in the middle of the worst area.  After I finish my coffee, will shower and put together our meds and other important stuff so we're ready to head for the underground garage if necessary.  And, to think Cuddy will be coming this afternoon at 4.  How does one take a puppy out to potty in such high winds.....poor little fur babies.  Will find a way to keep the little boy safe.

When warm and cold temps meet, that's perfect tornado material.  Guess this is when we put our faith to the real test, let go, and let the Creator do as He seems appropriate.  The way we earthlings are behaving, it's no wonder the Great Force is unhappy.  

Some days I write about Mother Nature, other days I write about Our Creator.  Mother and Father figures, representing parents of all.  Both of them might be getting sick and tired of watching us flush their moral guidelines down the crapper.  

We have the patio door open.....warm fresh air in the middle of December.  Quite unheard of but feels wonderful.  Sun is shining now.  Looking outside, one wouldn't think it possible that within hours low-level hurricane winds are going to come through.  Can feel a slight increase in the air movement as I type.  Think I'll go shower in the event we lose power.  One might call me a prepper, cuz prepared we shall be for whatever lies ahead.  Bug-out bag, here I come!

Ohhhhh....almost forgot.  Last evening we were sitting here as usual when we saw the most beautiful fireworks through out patio door.  Imagine watching fireworks in December.  Lots of them were red and green and gold.  Honestly, that was our holiday surprise.  Our city featured the lights to go along with the spectacular light show in the local campground. The fireworks touched that place inside us where happiness takes root.  There are those good people who invest their time to host these beautiful events.  Our thanks go out to them for putting light in the darkness.   

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