Don't know how I could live without my Google Calendar. I record things like doctor and dentist appointments, anything that is planned ahead. Plus, use it to keep track of what I do, like pay the cell bill or the credit card bill. Sure makes life a lot easier. Who wants to rely on one's memory at this stage of the circus.
After the power outage the other night, I went on eBay and ordered us nine battery candles in the event the lights go out for a longer period of time. One hears about enemies taking out our power grid, and that would not be funny. This world is like it's never been before, and we'd better be sure we can be okay if the lights do go out.
If I had kids in school, there's no doubt that I'd get them signed up for remote learning. How do people send their babies to school having to live in the fear of them not being alive at suppertime because of some kid sneaking around with a gun. Makes me crazy to even think how our America has changed. When I went to school, the only thing we had to worry about was detention. Now our kids have to worry about getting killed.
Check for yourselves who owns and runs Tik Tok. It'll give you the chills, and you can about guess. Best get off the subject before I have a coronary infarction.
This weekend a lot of people are having their family Christmas get-togethers. One of the big hospitals about a hundred miles from us has closed their doors to all elective surgeries again because of the numbers of Covid patients. We're praying the local hospital doesn't follow suit before the 27th, the boyfriend's second cataract removal. We want to get that done with before the crap hits the fan again.
Heard this morning that there was a car accident, with five teenagers involved. Two killed, the other three in serious condition. How horribly sad for such a thing to happen right before Christmas. Makes a person want to cover up with a blanket and stay there.