Saturday, December 4, 2021


Received a text this morning that the local ambulance was called out to nearby towns where individuals testing Covid positive were having great difficulty breathing.  One had an 83% oxygen level.

It's important to know that oxygen levels under 88% are dangerous for our vital organs.  At 80%, the organs gradually start to shut down.  Before this happens, the person must be rushed to the hospital.  We've grown accustomed to hearing about people ambulanced to hospitals with Covid, we don't stop to comprehend the severity.  

Tis another gloomy day.  Snow to the northwest of us.  A big black crow just flew by.  Wondering if it might be someone I once knew!  (giggle)

The boyfriend just printed out the Sudoku puzzle from the Green Gazette.  Adapting very well to the online newspaper.  

Tree still is not decorated.  Don't have enough enthusiasm.  The jury is still out whether it'll be here in the living room or down in the storage room next week.  And, to think at one time in my life I registered a Type A on the Richter Scale.

Would be fun to go in the kitchen and make some sweets to nibble on, but, that can't happen cuz of our A1C numbers.  About the only thing that soothes the sweet tooth is sugar-free jello with Cool Whip.  Balance that against a piece of pecan pie and ice cream, and one feels like a martyr anticipating sainthood.  

Rosettes and Rosette Iron
Christmas is the season for so many sweet treats.  Both of our mothers made their own specialties and shared them with us for all the years.  Dale's mother would send her rosettes home with us in grocery bags.  She frosted 'em and topped with colored sprinkles.  Some were dusted with powdered sugar.  Man alive, those were the days.


  1. My mom would buy Rossettes at Christmas time. I have her Rosette Iron and have made them in the past. But they tended to slide off the iron and wouldn't hold there shape. They were good though.

  2. My sweet tooth is really putting up a fuss right now!!!!!!

  3. I remember my Mom's Rosettes. I still have her iron, also, and I have made them.
    Funny sidelight - is that a word? Well, it is now.
    When our oldest grand, Kelly's girl, lost her first tooth, we was so worried and asked if it was her sweet tooth - she definitely didn't want to lose it. When she next tasted something sweet, she knew she still had it.

  4. Love your granddaughter story about her sweet tooth. Goodness, we wouldn't want to lose that!!!!!
    AND....sidelight is a word. Looked it up and found it's a window beside a door. Didn't know that either, so you taught me a new word. Thanks!!

  5. Good.

    I see I should improve my proofreading skill. (Giggle)
