Today is UPDATE DAY.....when I update our Everything Book. Being we don't have kids of our own, we figured out a way to have all of our important papers in one place should we meet an untimely demise.
Everything Book |
I'm strange, I know that. In one way, I'm totally organized. If you'd look at my retirement recliner, you'd think I lived in an alley. Papers around me, lotsa books on the floor, beside my printer, pens, scissors, cell phone, remote, eye drops, beads, fish line to string the beads, and lord knows what else. Some girls have a craft room, I have a craft corner. My Venny friends understand me, so I don't have to worry about them popping over. One of them brings me the neatest books for making jewelry. She picks them up wherever she goes. (It means alot to know that someone thinks of me.) In one of the books I found the neatest beaded Native American design. Went so far as to order on eBay a lamb skin, soft as a chamois, to sew the beads onto. Don't know if it'll be this winter, but it's in my path up ahead. My thinking is one can't be tidy and creative at the same time.
My fuzzy buddy slept next to me all night. OMG. It's like sleeping in heaven when he's beside me. There's something about him, and I'm so thankful his parents share custody with us while they travel.
My snuggly bug (Picture taken while writing this) |
Tis another sunny day. When Dale came in from taking Cuddy potty, he said it's kinda chilly out there. All snow is gone, so am back to square one wishing for snow. Sure hope we have a white Christmas.
Haven't decided how, or if, we'll be sending out Christmas cards, a letter, email, or none of the above. One thing for sure, I'm sending my blog readers a blog-card telling you how much I appreciate you following my silliness. There are all kinds of families......biological, friend, and those we create. Years ago I had a pen pal in Nova Scotia. We wrote back and forth, and then for some reason we stopped writing. Can you believe we're back to writing emails. How sweet of her to have written me an email wondering if we were okay, cuz she saw our area was in direct line of the big storm the other day. We have never met.
Best get to my paperwork. Ta-ta for today.