Monday, December 13, 2021


Christmas movies bring back memories of the Christmas parties of the past.  The days when employers hosted fancy parties with booze, appetizers, sit-down dinners and sometimes dancing.  Can remember it was a big deal what to wear to the Christmas Party.....the event of the year for many of us.

Interesting how we change with the years.  One holiday party two of the ladies, probably around 50 years of age, entered the room wearing blinking Christmas tree lights around their necks, like necklaces.  We young snobs thought they were hysterically funny, and, yes, I snickered.  Fast forward to now, and I could easily see myself as one of those ladies wearing blinking lights just for the helluvit.   

Well, there are no more Christmas celebrations now or on the road ahead.  They're all put away in the memory box.  Now with the state of affairs in the world, there are families who aren't celebrating together, for Covid reasons.  Think I mention this every day, like a stuck record, but life doesn't feel right.  There's an under current, something that's way off kilter  This afternoon the two of us were wondering out loud what's going to break the dam.  What's going to happen to shake this mess up?  Will it be a global event?  a national event?  a local event?  what?????  

Kind of sobering to hear people talk about things back in the 1900s.  To me, it sounds like when our generation heard about events that happened back in the 1800s.  Man, does that ever put life into perspective.  Whenever I'm asked for my date of birth, I cringe to say my year of birth.   That is so silly, cuz every year we're given is a beautiful gift.  No matter how hard life gets, how unfair life feels, we're all here for a reason.  That reason isn't to see how happy we can be, but rather how we can share our blessings with others.  Life isn't easy for any one walking the planet.  There are those who brag, boast and light up their lives like a Christmas tree, but let's not let all that jingle-jangle fool us.  Life is life is life.  Tonight am sick of the insanity of the season.  What started out with the humble birth of a baby, has now exploded into a tsunami of unbelievable lunacy. 

Just cannot figure what's going on.  If this sounds like a downer post, maybe it is.  Perhaps it's time we let real life show for what it is, instead of putting on all the fake frosting and sickenly sweeet sprinkles.