Thursday, December 23, 2021


 Up earlier than usual.  Boyfriend has pre-op Covid test at 10, so siren was set for 7.  Am now using the snooze button, which have never done before.  Have no idea how this person got up at 5 a.m. for years and years and years.  Perhaps that's why sleeping in is such a treat.  Sort of like a reward for job well done.

Have a couple of errands to run while we're out and about with the Subaru.  Few items we pick up at Kwik Star, like eggs, onions, bananas, milk, butter and crab dip.  Their chicken tenders are pretty yummy, too.  About once a year we splurge and buy two of those big cinnamon rolls that have an inch of frosting.  Life would be mighty different if we didn't have convenience stores, specially the Kwik Stars.  Casey's pizzas are good, as are their huge pork tenderloins.  We're to the point now where one sandwich satisfies both of us, and that's saying something.

Mr. Coffee's first cuppa tastes like espresso.  Gives the kick needed to get focused upon wakening.  Still no snow.  Quadruple drat.   All I want for Christmas is snow.

Boy, are we ever enjoying the sweet treats we've been gifted.  The pretzels with melted Rolos and pecans are probably our favorite, as are the crack pretzels that have a zing to 'em.  The sugar barrier is down for a few days, and we're fanning the embers of a carbohydrate craze.  The oranges and grapefruit will have to wait a couple of more days.  They say fruit is Mother Nature's candy, right?