Sunday, December 26, 2021


Ours was a relaxing, quiet Christmas.  Delicious food filled our tummies, as we safely stayed in our little cocoon.  Boyfriend will have his right cataract removed tomorrow, his Covid test was negative, so he's good to go.  We have to be at the hospital by 7 a.m.  He asked specifically to be early on the agenda, and his wish was granted.  

Nothing going on today.  Am secretly working on something that might motivate us in the New Year to keep up with the have-tos around the house.  Am putting together a list, room by room, day by day for one month, of cleaning chores.  If we do the assigned task every day, then the house will always be clean and tidy.  When the month is up, we start over. 

For instance, one day clean the stove, one day the refrigerator, one day the counter tops, one day wipe off the cupboards.  Instead of having one big cleaning day, we'd have a day-by-day cleaning, only one small task.  Does that make sense?  When I get my list finished, maybe I'll share it.  It's called cleaning house in small increments.

Use Clorox Wipes to clean house.  Use them to clean the bathroom counter and sink.  Always use them on the kitchen counter tops. 

Guess it's the business of starting all over in the New Year.  I go through this every year, and never do my intentions last till the next new year.  But, it's effort.   

Our meatball supper was over-the-moon delicious.  Of course, I committed the mortal wrong by going back for seconds of meatballs, mashed potatoes, gravy, scalloped corn and cranberries.  Absolutely no self-control when it comes to food.  Perhaps could be diagnosed as food challenged or a food addict.  Maybe my taste buds are highly excitable.  

There's a 50% chance of snow and wind tonight.  Fingers crossed.