Monday, December 6, 2021


Yup, it's official.  Am losing my cookies.  

First I spend a couple of days sorting (by color) my bead stash.  Each color in its own zip-lock baggie.  Am talking thousands of beads.  Yesterday I go to make one of my sun-catchers, only to find it was easier when the beads were all mixed helter-skelter together.  So, all beads were dumped into one plastic container.  Sometimes organization isn't necessarily the way to go.

Just ordered a chip-carving book for the boyfriend.  On Amazon, the book would've cost $28 (with shipping and tax).  BUT, old eagle eyes here found the book pre-owned on eBay for $7 (free shipping).  Another $21 in the pocket!  If mom could see how well she taught me frugality, think she'd be pleased.

Sun is shining today.  French toast filled us up now till supper time.  Finished another Agatha Christie book this morning and started another one.  I swear if anyone wants to get their mind off the world, these mysteries will do it.  Her writings are interfering with my life.....all I want to do is read 'em.  Kinda like being hooked on cocaine.  Gotta have a fix right now.  Not that I'd know how that feels.

My latest acquisitions are two biblical crossword books.  Need my laptop to look up the answers, and that's fun for she who loves to learn.  Plus, it familiarizes me with new interpretations.  The two puzzles I worked yesterday were about the Prophets and Priests of the bible.  Kings is the next puzzle.  

This biblical business got me thinking about dying.  How everything on earth dies, whether a flower, a tree, a creature, a human, an insect......everything.  Who among us doesn't think about our individual mortality.  The greatest thinkers of all times couldn't say for sure why bad things happen to good people.  So many things happen in our lives that make us wonder what it's all about and what it's all for.  We live through the struggles, wade through the tears, and then we take one last breath and we're gone forever.  

The bible is the only instruction book we humans have.  Different religions have different books of wisdom, but essentially it's all the same.  With an estimated 4,200 different religions in the world, one must keep an open mind when it comes to acceptance.  One thing for sure, the human race is quite the hodge-podge.  Think if we could eliminate the news media, a lot of good would emerge.  

Update:   Still no snow.  Tree still not decorated.


  1. Iowa PBS had two Agatha Christie shows on Sunday night. Agatha and the Curse of Ishtar and Agatha and the Midnight Murders. I watch the first one but I got it mixed up thinking it was the Miss Marple series. Plus it was hard to understand. Didn't watch the second.

  2. Got a call telling me about the PBS movies. Didn't watch them. If you watch You Tube, do a search for Agatha Christie movies. Hercule and Miss Marple.

  3. I still do crosswords, too. Our daily paper does a "Sunday" addition to the Saturday night paper. Dick always saves me that one. It's larger and more detailed than the daily puzzle, which he does. I used to do the dailies but I like to encourage him to do them. He's to the point where he's kinda bummed if we don't get a paper regularly cuz then he "doesn't have a puzzle to do". (His words. Crossword books just aren't the same.)

    Not to say he's not a reader, though. He and the older two grands are really into books.

  4. Crossword books aren't the same, agree 100% with Dick. Am not afraid to say that I use a crossword solver to do some very difficult puzzles. It's a way of learning for me. Think you and I, Tall Cottage, are definitely wordsmiths. Dick, too. Good to hear two of your grands enjoy reading. No one can take that away from them. I say, reading is an escape from reality, and lord knows we all need that these days! (giggle)
