Monday, December 20, 2021


 Learned a new word in Agatha Christie's book, Curtain.  The word is badinage (pronounced bad 'n ahj), meaning light, friendly banter.  Don't think I'll ever use the word, but will know the meaning should I hear it.

Three deer moseyed across the road out front this morning.  A beautiful way to start one's day.  Sun is out, but still no snow.  Double drat.

The Venny elf left two popcorn balls outside our door.  Sure took the mind back to when we were kids.  Mom made us popcorn balls a lot, and we loved 'em.  Remember she wrapped them in waxed paper.  Makes me hungry for her caramel corn that she made in the oven.  Laying in bed last night, thought about the other goodies she made for Christmas.  Kinda depresses a person to think all those times are only memories, nevermore to return.  The blessing is that we have those good memories.  Some in this world aren't as fortunate.

Twinges of sad come to me off and on when I think about how things were back then.  So much has changed.  Natural causes and some very unnatural causes have taken my loved ones away.  Recently read that it's not the people who change, it's the fact that their masks simply fell off.  Sure is truth to that.  This chick has been hoodwinked by the best of 'em, and for that I'm sad.  Those who I thought were true and real, weren't.  Christmas, the season of love, makes those absences hurt a bit more.  Will never be able to explain how some can throw a lifelong relative or a friend away like a piece of rotten meat.  Sad thing, it's being done every day.  It's like people don't really care about one another.  

Gonna put in another grocery order on the store app.  Need a few things before Christmas.  A quiet holiday it will be.  Just the two of us.  There's great comfort in snuggling in, not having to worry about anyone or anything.  Just pour the cocktails, bring out the munchies, and wait for the fat man to get stuck in the chimney!