Thursday, December 30, 2021


Learned there's a case of Omicron in our county.  Imagine, first discovered in South Africa and now it's here.  Tis a small world after all.

Friends of ours ordered N95 masks, the recommended mask for Omicron.  They were kind enough to give us two of 'em.  We put them on, they're the kind that the elastic goes behind the head rather than over the ears.  They were a lot easier to breathe through than the regular ones we've been using.  Plus, they're hearing-aid friendly.  Seems every time we take our mask off, our hearing aids come out.  Placed an order on Amazon for 20, and they're reusable and NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health) approved.  Our tiny effort toward preventing the wretched virus from entering our bodies. 

Pretty nippy temperatures, with possibly more snow this weekend.  The sky could open up so far as I'm concerned.  Sounds selfish, but feel I've earned the right to enjoy that which I dealt with all my commuting rain, sleet, snow, ice and combinations of the above.  Add into that blizzard white-outs and fog.  Times where I pulled off to the side of the road to secure my safety.  Aging may have its disadvantages, but it also has its advantages that balance things out.  

See where NYC's New Year's Eve celebration is being scaled back, masks will be required.  Around the world, the new year traditional celebrations are being canceled because of the surge of Omicron.  Two years now since Covid-19 came on the scene to disrupt our global some instances Covid-19 divided and destroyed friendships and families.  Politics govern us, and push us into one camp or the other.  It's personal.....that's my take.  All we can do is follow our heart and aim to do what's best for ourselves and those with whom we share Planet Earth.  It's not about me or thee.  It's about all of US.

Had an eerie and realistic dream at night.  A huge space station was installed right above us, but was about the size of a planet.  Then the station grew to where we could easily see it.  One day the radiation levels started climbing, and the threat to life on earth was at high risk.  In my dream, I tried calling my mother to tell her we'd pick her up, but the old-fashioned dial phone wouldn't work.  The government told us we would most likely all sleep away and life on earth would be over.  Am here to say this was a very scary nightmare.  Thank heaven I woke out of the dream, and Cuddy was snuggled up close to me.  All was good.  Talk about a crazy night.  

Nothing pressing on today's agenda, as we like it.  Overcast day, the kind that requires us to have the table lamps on for reading.  The tree is still up, and we're enjoying the lights in the evenings.  Don't see any reason to take it down too soon.  The way it's decorated with icicles, it could stay up till spring and not look out of place.  The only ornaments are two red cardinals.  One was given to us by our next-door Venny neighbor, and the other from Cuddy's mom and dad.  Cardinals are messengers from heaven, and I know that for a fact.

With that, I'll say bye for today.  Let's all pray for a good new year.  Despite all the hooplah, we have a whole lot to be thankful for.  Way too much negative energy spewing out into the human pool.