Friday, December 31, 2021


Here it is.  The last day of another year.  We humans have put together calendars with special dates with corresponding traditional celebrations.  New Year's Eve probably weighs in the heaviest when it comes to large crowds, champagne, appetizer buffets, party hats, horns and blowouts, song, dance.  All is done to not only welcome in a new year, but equally so to be grateful to have survived another twelve months.

Oh, we've had some crazy New Years Eve parties in the past.  The one that 'specially comes to mind is when one of our dearest friends almost fell down our clothes chute.  Dale caught him as he was halfway down head first.  Our guys were lean machines back then.  After the party, his wife had to carry him in the house, cuz his legs quit functioning somewhere along the evening.  Ah, yes, those were the days.  But, oh, the carefree spirit of youth.  

Now, we're more than okay with avoiding crowds, and we're too worn out to dance.  A bottle of Balatore Gran Spumante awaits my fluted glass, as I remember the night my girlfriend and I downed four bottles of champagne at a local speakeasy.  For sure I shall toast my girlfriend tonight and pay homage to those memories we share.

Am going to enjoy watching a You Tube live stream being hosted by a couple in Massachusetts.  Those who will join on screen will all be eating their favorite appetizers and foods and sipping the sauce of the season.  These people are real people, they lean on one another for emotional support, and this venue of social media gives people like me the chance to be with people while not really being with people.  Have watched them so much now, that I could easily sit down and visit like we've been lifelong friends.  In fact, one of the gals and I email.  Her name is Lee, and she lives in Massachusetts.  

Tomorrow morning, we've been invited to watch the parade and have lunch with our friends.  They lived in the unit we live in, but chose to move to a larger one to accommodate their beautiful Victorian-era furnishings.  Life is about celebrating our memories with old friends and making room for opportunities to make new memories.  The Christmas Past and the Christmas Present.  

For some, this past year has held tragic sorrow, and we pray their hearts heal as they wade their way through the waves of grief.  For them, it must feel impossible to imagine anyone celebrating anything.  

It's not easy looking forward right now.  The moral fiber of our nation is frayed, like the worn out shirt with holes in it.  We were taught to respect others, but respect has been replaced with hate.  We were taught to be responsible, but that, too, has been replaced with entitlement.  It's okay to lie, cheat, steal, be cruel and to bully others, and violence is acceptable, authority condemned, and the criminal praised and protected.  The courts have been compromised.  Can about imagine what our parents and grandparents would think if they were suddenly brought back to live in today's world.  We were sitting here last night, and the boyfriend looked at me and said quite seriously, "I wonder what awaits us in 2022."  It's like reading a thriller mystery.....we won't know till the last page  Good or bad, we've got to be strong and resilient.  We must uphold the morals we were raised with, hope and pray that good wins over evil.  

One of my resolves for the new year is to take life one hour at a time and pay attention to that hour.  One hour is like one page in the book of our life.  Time is ticking away, and it's my responsibility to make life as good for myself and others as I possibly can.  The small, seemingly insignificant, gestures of kindness keep us all going.  Sadly in the past couple of years, there are those who have chosen to part ways with us because their way of thinking is right and ours is wrong.  In some ways, social distancing is a good thing not only for the spread of the virus, but also the spread of hostility.  Feels like there's an undercurrent we can't put our finger on, but we know it's there.  One wrong word, and an argument starts.  Only one arrow remains in my quiver, and that's silly humor.  Instead of getting angry, I make crap out of stuff.  If someone thinks they're right and I'm wrong, I frankly don'g give a flying f____.  Each of us encounters a lot of challenging situations during one lifetime, and when we reach the top of the ladder we'd better have discovered our personal life jacket.....the one thing that will keep our heads above water and keep us from drowning in mankind's sea of stupidity.  For me, it's a laugh, a tease, a giggle.....whatever the hell it takes.  I'm a proponent of playing pranks, always have been.  

And with all that jabbering, I shall close the book on 2021.  

Thursday, December 30, 2021


Learned there's a case of Omicron in our county.  Imagine, first discovered in South Africa and now it's here.  Tis a small world after all.

Friends of ours ordered N95 masks, the recommended mask for Omicron.  They were kind enough to give us two of 'em.  We put them on, they're the kind that the elastic goes behind the head rather than over the ears.  They were a lot easier to breathe through than the regular ones we've been using.  Plus, they're hearing-aid friendly.  Seems every time we take our mask off, our hearing aids come out.  Placed an order on Amazon for 20, and they're reusable and NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health) approved.  Our tiny effort toward preventing the wretched virus from entering our bodies. 

Pretty nippy temperatures, with possibly more snow this weekend.  The sky could open up so far as I'm concerned.  Sounds selfish, but feel I've earned the right to enjoy that which I dealt with all my commuting rain, sleet, snow, ice and combinations of the above.  Add into that blizzard white-outs and fog.  Times where I pulled off to the side of the road to secure my safety.  Aging may have its disadvantages, but it also has its advantages that balance things out.  

See where NYC's New Year's Eve celebration is being scaled back, masks will be required.  Around the world, the new year traditional celebrations are being canceled because of the surge of Omicron.  Two years now since Covid-19 came on the scene to disrupt our global some instances Covid-19 divided and destroyed friendships and families.  Politics govern us, and push us into one camp or the other.  It's personal.....that's my take.  All we can do is follow our heart and aim to do what's best for ourselves and those with whom we share Planet Earth.  It's not about me or thee.  It's about all of US.

Had an eerie and realistic dream at night.  A huge space station was installed right above us, but was about the size of a planet.  Then the station grew to where we could easily see it.  One day the radiation levels started climbing, and the threat to life on earth was at high risk.  In my dream, I tried calling my mother to tell her we'd pick her up, but the old-fashioned dial phone wouldn't work.  The government told us we would most likely all sleep away and life on earth would be over.  Am here to say this was a very scary nightmare.  Thank heaven I woke out of the dream, and Cuddy was snuggled up close to me.  All was good.  Talk about a crazy night.  

Nothing pressing on today's agenda, as we like it.  Overcast day, the kind that requires us to have the table lamps on for reading.  The tree is still up, and we're enjoying the lights in the evenings.  Don't see any reason to take it down too soon.  The way it's decorated with icicles, it could stay up till spring and not look out of place.  The only ornaments are two red cardinals.  One was given to us by our next-door Venny neighbor, and the other from Cuddy's mom and dad.  Cardinals are messengers from heaven, and I know that for a fact.

With that, I'll say bye for today.  Let's all pray for a good new year.  Despite all the hooplah, we have a whole lot to be thankful for.  Way too much negative energy spewing out into the human pool. 

Wednesday, December 29, 2021


Yippee Skippee!  It snowed a couple of inches and am happy as a clam!

Had a special send-off for Cuddy's parents yesterday.  They'll be returning in late March.  

Cuddy's Daddy brought us rutabagas that he grows plentifully on his farm.  This is a root vegetable that doesn't get enough credit.  Not only does it add phenomenal flavor and nutrition to soups, but it's delish cut up and eaten with favorite dips.  When he gave them to us, he specifically said we could share them with others out here at Venny.  Well, as we see it, we're keeping them for ourselves.

The years we vacationed in Northern Minnesota and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, we learned to appreciate the delightful Finnish Pasty.  The pasty was a dough folded and filled with beef, potatoes, onions and rutabagas.  The pasties stayed warm in the copper miners' lunch pails and were considered a meal in itself.  Now that we have rutabagas, it seems the ideal time for me to learn how to make these yummy pies.  Pinterest and other websites have recipes how to make them.  The last time we ate 'em in a small cafe in the UP, they were served with a warm gravy.  Am thinking about using a store-bought pie crust, cuz I'm not one to make real pie crusts. 

Think today the three of us will cozy in.  Tis the hump day of the week, which after retirement means absolutely nothing.  Bought a crossword lottery ticket yesterday at Kwik Star.  Told the gal I'd be back to collect my bonanza winnings.  Never have been lucky winning anything over $5 on one, but there's always a first.  Especially like the scratch tickets that take time to scratch, like the crossword.  If I can win just $5, then I can get another ticket.  Will see how long I can keep the initial investment going.  


Monday, December 27, 2021


It's a WHITE wonderful world.  Yuppers, got maybe an inch of the fluffy stuff, with more in tonight and tomorrow's forecast.  Am thrilled.

Boyfriend's second eye now has a new lens as of this morning, and we're back home from the hospital.  Stopped at the pharmacy for eye drops and a pair of cheaters.  We're invited out to Venny friend's for toddies and soup supper, and that will be just a sweet ending to our day.  Couldn't sleep last night, knowing the siren would go off at 5.  The boyfriend is already taking a well-deserved nap.  

Our little boy will be arriving tomorrow morning at 10:30.  Knowing that we'll have a little Bichon living with us for the next three months is about the greatest gift we could want.  I sent a text to his mommy telling her that she'd better tell the little bugger to be ready for some fun at our resort and spa.  After all, this is his winter vacation, too.  Am prepared to SO spoil him, love and snuggle him, and all the other insane mushy stuff I do when I'm with puppies. 

The streets were kinda slippery this morning.  Fine reminder how careful we must be not to fall down.  After falling in the bathroom a couple years ago and severely injuring my shoulder, gotta say I'm more than careful. 

Nuthin' new and nuthin' to gab about.  Think it's time to cuddle under a blanko and nap.  We've accomplished enough for the day.  Am very grateful that both eyes are fixed before they close our local hospital to elective surgeries.  Once again, we count our blessings. 

Sunday, December 26, 2021


Ours was a relaxing, quiet Christmas.  Delicious food filled our tummies, as we safely stayed in our little cocoon.  Boyfriend will have his right cataract removed tomorrow, his Covid test was negative, so he's good to go.  We have to be at the hospital by 7 a.m.  He asked specifically to be early on the agenda, and his wish was granted.  

Nothing going on today.  Am secretly working on something that might motivate us in the New Year to keep up with the have-tos around the house.  Am putting together a list, room by room, day by day for one month, of cleaning chores.  If we do the assigned task every day, then the house will always be clean and tidy.  When the month is up, we start over. 

For instance, one day clean the stove, one day the refrigerator, one day the counter tops, one day wipe off the cupboards.  Instead of having one big cleaning day, we'd have a day-by-day cleaning, only one small task.  Does that make sense?  When I get my list finished, maybe I'll share it.  It's called cleaning house in small increments.

Use Clorox Wipes to clean house.  Use them to clean the bathroom counter and sink.  Always use them on the kitchen counter tops. 

Guess it's the business of starting all over in the New Year.  I go through this every year, and never do my intentions last till the next new year.  But, it's effort.   

Our meatball supper was over-the-moon delicious.  Of course, I committed the mortal wrong by going back for seconds of meatballs, mashed potatoes, gravy, scalloped corn and cranberries.  Absolutely no self-control when it comes to food.  Perhaps could be diagnosed as food challenged or a food addict.  Maybe my taste buds are highly excitable.  

There's a 50% chance of snow and wind tonight.  Fingers crossed.

Saturday, December 25, 2021


Spent Christmas Eve watching Christmas movies, where carolers sing the traditional songs we grew up hearing.  Old-fashioned wins over new-fangled in my world.  Would imagine that rubber-stamps my age group, but, hey, am proud to have survived life's high waves and tragic tsunamis.  

Sun is pretty today, and our east-window sun catchers have little rainbows dancing on the walls. However, Santa brought no snow.  

Can imagine the little children around the globe that are excited this morning, ripping apart presents, and the heaps of wrapping paper flung in all directions.  All the work of wrapping is quickly undone by the little hands seeking to see their new presents.  

My personal Santa got up before me and put together a casserole dish of meatballs and gravy and another of scalloped corn for our Christmas supper.  On Christmas Eve we had chili and snacked on cheese, warm spinach dip, crab dip, crackers, green olives, cookies and candy.  Who could ask for anything more.

My favorite song this season is "O Holy Night."  There's something about the melody and the words that touches my soul, deep inside.  Songs that do that are special gifts that remind us there's Something in the Universe that inspires and refreshes so we can keep going.

Merry Christmas.

O, hear the angels' voices..........

Friday, December 24, 2021


Woke up this morning to fog, of all things on Christmas Eve Day.  Guess we won't have a White Christmas.  Like the boyfriend says, as long as we have each other, nothing else matters.  And, he's very right.  It's just that I begged Santa for snow, and my not getting it, makes me wonder if my behavior has anything to do with it.

A kettle of chili bubbles on the stove, for later in the day.  Bought Alaskan King crab dip/salad yesterday, plus we have some cheese and crackers to nibble on.  No exchange of presents anymore.  Instead of presents on calendar days, we do nice things for each other all year long.

Christmas, for me, is the time of year when I easily get mooshy and memories flood over me.  When I think of all those that I've lost, one by one, it shows just how much smaller my world has become.  Remember when I was a little girl, I'd think about having my grandparents, parents, brother, aunts, uncles, cousins, school friends and neighbors on the farm.  Today my grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, one first cousin, all of the neighbors on the farm, and some of my grade school and high school friends are all gone.  Then there are those that have left my life at their own choosing.  This is the best definition of LIFE.  

On the flip side of the coin, there are those new friends, who are like my new family, who are here to share their same life experiences.  Together, we re-live the past and help one another let go and grab hold of the present.  It's that way for all of us.  

Since 2019 up until now, life has changed and all of us face new challenges.  The social scene has changed, crime has increased and moved closer to home, and our children face situations our generation wouldn't have dreamed could happen.  When we were kids, we watched westerns on t.v., the shoot-outs and fights in saloons with the swinging doors, and that was the extent of the violence.  Now days, there's shootings in stores, schools, on the highways, and even drive-bys in all levels of neighborhoods.  It's a tough world, and then add a pandemic to the batter, and what a mixture of unrest, discord, disagreement and division one gets.  These are my Christmas thoughts, sad thoughts.  To have a heavy fog hanging over us today, almost makes me wonder if Mother Nature is in full agreement.  

Today's posting ends with a wish filled to the brim with love for all those who follow my days.  Thank you from my heart.

A candle in the window
symbolizes light and warmth...
and the belief that there's always light
even in the darkest of the times.

Thursday, December 23, 2021


 Up earlier than usual.  Boyfriend has pre-op Covid test at 10, so siren was set for 7.  Am now using the snooze button, which have never done before.  Have no idea how this person got up at 5 a.m. for years and years and years.  Perhaps that's why sleeping in is such a treat.  Sort of like a reward for job well done.

Have a couple of errands to run while we're out and about with the Subaru.  Few items we pick up at Kwik Star, like eggs, onions, bananas, milk, butter and crab dip.  Their chicken tenders are pretty yummy, too.  About once a year we splurge and buy two of those big cinnamon rolls that have an inch of frosting.  Life would be mighty different if we didn't have convenience stores, specially the Kwik Stars.  Casey's pizzas are good, as are their huge pork tenderloins.  We're to the point now where one sandwich satisfies both of us, and that's saying something.

Mr. Coffee's first cuppa tastes like espresso.  Gives the kick needed to get focused upon wakening.  Still no snow.  Quadruple drat.   All I want for Christmas is snow.

Boy, are we ever enjoying the sweet treats we've been gifted.  The pretzels with melted Rolos and pecans are probably our favorite, as are the crack pretzels that have a zing to 'em.  The sugar barrier is down for a few days, and we're fanning the embers of a carbohydrate craze.  The oranges and grapefruit will have to wait a couple of more days.  They say fruit is Mother Nature's candy, right?

Wednesday, December 22, 2021


Yesterday was the shortest day of the year.  Astronomy is a science foreign to me.  One of my secret wishes has been to visit a planetarium where someone would point out the constellations.  A celestial universe exists above, and most of us know very little about what's all up there.

Until this morning, didn't realize that it would take a modern spacecraft 450 million years to travel to the center of our galaxy.  This galaxy is our home, encompassing planet Earth, our solar system and billions upon billions of stars and planets.

When we look up into the sky at night from any point on Earth, there are some 100-400 billion stars above.  If nothing else, these facts and figures scream how immeasurably small we are.  This puts into perspective my thinking process and tells me how ridiculous it is to worry, fret and allow human emotions to mess with my alive time.  

Yup, there are close to 8 billion of us on that one little dot.  

Tuesday, December 21, 2021


The flameless candles ordered on eBay arrived, and they're the perfect example of you get what you pay for.  These cheapos are light weight, but they'll do just fine if the lights go out.  At least we have some sort of a backup.  Will simply tuck the box under the bed and hope we never have to use 'em.

Started writing out cards for each of our Venny friends, but stopped after had fifteen finished.  Will continue till all fifty are written.  Have about as much enthusiasm for the holidays as I do jumping off the Eiffel Tower.  

Boyfriend is out picking up our online grocery order, stopping at the pharmacy and the bank.  I'm spending the last couple of hours with the fuzz bucket before his parents pick him up at 1 o'clock.  Honestly cannot imagine what it must be like to have shared custody of children and have to see them leave.  

Well, with so little to expound on, today's post will be short.  Just enough to acknowledge that I'm still above ground.  Just might be suffering from a good case of the Christmas blues.  Don't want to pass it on like Covid germs.  


Monday, December 20, 2021


 Learned a new word in Agatha Christie's book, Curtain.  The word is badinage (pronounced bad 'n ahj), meaning light, friendly banter.  Don't think I'll ever use the word, but will know the meaning should I hear it.

Three deer moseyed across the road out front this morning.  A beautiful way to start one's day.  Sun is out, but still no snow.  Double drat.

The Venny elf left two popcorn balls outside our door.  Sure took the mind back to when we were kids.  Mom made us popcorn balls a lot, and we loved 'em.  Remember she wrapped them in waxed paper.  Makes me hungry for her caramel corn that she made in the oven.  Laying in bed last night, thought about the other goodies she made for Christmas.  Kinda depresses a person to think all those times are only memories, nevermore to return.  The blessing is that we have those good memories.  Some in this world aren't as fortunate.

Twinges of sad come to me off and on when I think about how things were back then.  So much has changed.  Natural causes and some very unnatural causes have taken my loved ones away.  Recently read that it's not the people who change, it's the fact that their masks simply fell off.  Sure is truth to that.  This chick has been hoodwinked by the best of 'em, and for that I'm sad.  Those who I thought were true and real, weren't.  Christmas, the season of love, makes those absences hurt a bit more.  Will never be able to explain how some can throw a lifelong relative or a friend away like a piece of rotten meat.  Sad thing, it's being done every day.  It's like people don't really care about one another.  

Gonna put in another grocery order on the store app.  Need a few things before Christmas.  A quiet holiday it will be.  Just the two of us.  There's great comfort in snuggling in, not having to worry about anyone or anything.  Just pour the cocktails, bring out the munchies, and wait for the fat man to get stuck in the chimney!   

Sunday, December 19, 2021


Can't help but think about my collection of Santas packed away in a tote.  My collection started with one about 2" tall.  Was ambling my way through a gift shop when I accidentally knocked it off the shelf.  The store had the You Break You Buy signs up, so I gathered the pieces off the floor and paid for it.  Took the broken Santa home, glued him together, and that was the start of my treasure hunt.

Every time I went to garage sales or thrift stores I'd keep an eye out for one that was different than the others.  Some are Father Christmas dressed in long flowing garb, and others are the usual fat man dressed in red and trimmed in white fur.  Here's a picture of the last time we displayed them here at Venny. 

There are more to the collection.  When we moved from our home, I gave each of our neighbor kids one of my precious Santas as a remembrance of us.  One Santa has a wind-up music box in it.  No two are alike, and it's a royal shame that I'm too lazy to put out the display and then re-pack 'em.  Just ain't got the juice I once had.  

The largest one is a Father Christmas, and he's out in the hallway gracing the entrance to our home.  Got him at a garage sale for $5.  Every year people rave about him and all find it hard to believe the purchase price.  He's really the Patriarch of the bunch.  Isn't he regal?  Might add that he's got to be quite old and well-preserved.  His face is like porcelain.  

Tis a dismal Sunday.  We have the tree lights on, even though it's mid-day.  It's our little way of enjoying the season together.  Little Mr. Fuzz Bucket is with us until Tuesday, and right now he's under covers taking a snooze.  Finished another A.C. book last night, so will start another.  Sunday afternoon is perfect for a good read.  Out of the 22 that I ordered, have 20 of them read already.  

Hope all is well.  Keep the faith.  

Saturday, December 18, 2021


Don't know how I could live without my Google Calendar.  I record things like doctor and dentist appointments, anything that is planned ahead.  Plus, use it to keep track of what I do, like pay the cell bill or the credit card bill.  Sure makes life a lot easier.  Who wants to rely on one's memory at this stage of the circus.

After the power outage the other night, I went on eBay and ordered us nine battery candles in the event the lights go out for a longer period of time.  One hears about enemies taking out our power grid, and that would not be funny.  This world is like it's never been before, and we'd better be sure we can be okay if the lights do go out.

Want to alert my readers that yesterday, December 17th, was National Take Your Gun to School Day.  This insane movement is being pushed on our kids through the social media app, Tik Tok.  "Apparently for quite some time, some Tik Tok influencers have been encouraging our children to vandalize their schools.  They have been told to go into bathrooms and tear out sinks and toilets; to vandalize their teachers' desks; to destroy facilities; and to spray paint everything they can.  Some children have been going along.  And now they are being encouraged to take a gun to school to threaten fellow students, teachers and administration.  It has prompted fear in parents and caused some schools to increase security."  

If I had kids in school, there's no doubt that I'd get them signed up for remote learning.  How do people send their babies to school having to live in the fear of them not being alive at suppertime because of some kid sneaking around with a gun.  Makes me crazy to even think how our America has changed.  When I went to school, the only thing we had to worry about was detention.  Now our kids have to worry about getting killed.  

Check for yourselves who owns and runs Tik Tok.  It'll give you the chills, and you can about guess.  Best get off the subject before I have a coronary infarction.

This weekend a lot of people are having their family Christmas get-togethers.  One of the big hospitals about a hundred miles from us has closed their doors to all elective surgeries again because of the numbers of Covid patients.  We're praying the local hospital doesn't follow suit before the 27th, the boyfriend's second cataract removal.  We want to get that done with before the crap hits the fan again. 

Heard this morning that there was a car accident, with five teenagers involved.  Two killed, the other three in serious condition.  How horribly sad for such a thing to happen right before Christmas.  Makes a person want to cover up with a blanket and stay there. 

Friday, December 17, 2021


Today is UPDATE DAY.....when I update our Everything Book.  Being we don't have kids of our own, we figured out a way to have all of our important papers in one place should we meet an untimely demise.  

Everything Book
A few years ago, I categorized our insurances, medicare, supplemental, social security, financial information, and legal information our beneficiaries will need to settle our estate.  They won't have to dig through stuff to find out what we had, where we had it, that sort of stressful stuff.  Every so often I take a day, go through the Everything Book, toss out last year's and put in this year's.  Each section is divided and indexed for easy access.  For instance, we just got our social security printout for 2022.  I'll toss 2021 and put in 2022.  Amazing how we have condensed ourselves down to one 3-ring binder.  The other night when we went to the ground level during the storm, we took our Everything Book that's kept in fireproof over-shoulder tote.   

I'm strange, I know that.  In one way, I'm totally organized.  If you'd look at my retirement recliner, you'd think I lived in an alley.  Papers around me, lotsa books on the floor, beside my printer, pens, scissors, cell phone, remote, eye drops, beads, fish line to string the beads, and lord knows what else.  Some girls have a craft room, I have a craft corner.  My Venny friends understand me, so I don't have to worry about them popping over.  One of them brings me the neatest books for making jewelry.  She picks them up wherever she goes.  (It means alot to know that someone thinks of me.)  In one of the books I found the neatest beaded Native American design.  Went so far as to order on eBay a lamb skin, soft as a chamois, to sew the beads onto.  Don't know if it'll be this winter, but it's in my path up ahead.  My thinking is one can't be tidy and creative at the same time.

My fuzzy buddy slept next to me all night.  OMG.  It's like sleeping in heaven when he's beside me.  There's something about him, and I'm so thankful his parents share custody with us while they travel. 

My snuggly bug
(Picture taken while writing this)
Received in yesterday's mail a sweet Christmas card and letter from Dale's 100-year-old auntie.  She's everything one could wish for as Matriarch of the G-clan.  

Tis another sunny day.  When Dale came in from taking Cuddy potty, he said it's kinda chilly out there.  All snow is gone, so am back to square one wishing for snow.  Sure hope we have a white Christmas.

Haven't decided how, or if, we'll be sending out Christmas cards, a letter, email, or none of the above.  One thing for sure, I'm sending my blog readers a blog-card telling you how much I appreciate you following my silliness.  There are all kinds of families......biological, friend, and those we create.  Years ago I had a pen pal in Nova Scotia.  We wrote back and forth, and then for some reason we stopped writing.  Can you believe we're back to writing emails.  How sweet of her to have written me an email wondering if we were okay, cuz she saw our area was in direct line of the big storm the other day.  We have never met.

Best get to my paperwork.  Ta-ta for today.   

Thursday, December 16, 2021


Thankfully, last night's storm caused no damage where we live.  The power went out before the storm arrived.  Think the power outage affected some 48,000.  About an hour ago the lights came on, and was that ever a happy moment.  Sure gives one a high level appreciation for electricity and for those who maintain the power plants, lines and all else.  

As the storm neared, the weather radar showed we were in direct line, so we went down to a gal's unit that's right next to the underground garage.  Everyone from the complex went either to the garage, the cement stairways, or down by where we were.  That's a neat thing about living in a 55-and-over complex.  We look out for one another.  Dale checked the elevators to make sure no one was in them when the power went out.  

Halo Bolt
Might say that we're preppers, to a modest degree, making sure we have battery candles, a battery lantern, food that doesn't require cooking  and bottled water.  Our stove is electric.  Fine lesson for keeping cell phones completely charged.  Used the Halo Bolt ACDC that a gal from Venny gave us.  Amazing how something so small could actually jump start a car, charge a laptop, phone, tablet or other electronic devices.

Boy, society is 100% dependent on electricity.  Without it, life comes to a halt.  By habit, we walk into a room and first thing we reach for the light switch.  We didn't open the refrigerator or the freezer, nor flush the loo, as they say in England.  With a flashlight I read a book last evening.  No television, no internet.  Can't help but think about our grandparents' generation, how tough life was for them compared to the luxuries of today.  

Little Cuddy was a trooper during last night's escapade.  I took his favorite pillow down with us, and he laid on my lap.  Anyway, all's okay at our house, lights are back on, the tree is lit.  Before the power went, I took a picture of our tree's reflection in the patio door.  

Light is amazing.  We see a tree all lit up in the glass, but there's nothing actually there.  I can see the moon, it's a quiet evening, and we're grateful for everything and everyone who lights our world and lights our way.  How special to be someone's flashlight as they walk through the darkness.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021


Think it might be time to pack our bug out bags.  Today's weather forecast sounds dire, with predictions of winds as high as 100 mph.  We're talking hurricane level, and we're right smack dab in the middle of the worst area.  After I finish my coffee, will shower and put together our meds and other important stuff so we're ready to head for the underground garage if necessary.  And, to think Cuddy will be coming this afternoon at 4.  How does one take a puppy out to potty in such high winds.....poor little fur babies.  Will find a way to keep the little boy safe.

When warm and cold temps meet, that's perfect tornado material.  Guess this is when we put our faith to the real test, let go, and let the Creator do as He seems appropriate.  The way we earthlings are behaving, it's no wonder the Great Force is unhappy.  

Some days I write about Mother Nature, other days I write about Our Creator.  Mother and Father figures, representing parents of all.  Both of them might be getting sick and tired of watching us flush their moral guidelines down the crapper.  

We have the patio door open.....warm fresh air in the middle of December.  Quite unheard of but feels wonderful.  Sun is shining now.  Looking outside, one wouldn't think it possible that within hours low-level hurricane winds are going to come through.  Can feel a slight increase in the air movement as I type.  Think I'll go shower in the event we lose power.  One might call me a prepper, cuz prepared we shall be for whatever lies ahead.  Bug-out bag, here I come!

Ohhhhh....almost forgot.  Last evening we were sitting here as usual when we saw the most beautiful fireworks through out patio door.  Imagine watching fireworks in December.  Lots of them were red and green and gold.  Honestly, that was our holiday surprise.  Our city featured the lights to go along with the spectacular light show in the local campground. The fireworks touched that place inside us where happiness takes root.  There are those good people who invest their time to host these beautiful events.  Our thanks go out to them for putting light in the darkness.   

Tuesday, December 14, 2021


About a half hour ago, our weather alert went off with a warning of high winds for our area the next couple of days.  Mother Nature's huffs and puffs as high as 60-65 mph could blow down trees and power lines, which could result in widespread outages.  Travel could be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles.  Tomorrow's warm winds could make new record high temperatures.  Always worry about the animals and pets when bad weather hits.  

The boyfriend had an eye doctor appointment at 8 this morning.  All's looking good, and he's all set to have the other eye fixed on the 27th.  A thumbs up.

Put together a chicken and rice casserole for tonight's supper.  Had left-over chicken, so I added 2 cans of cream of mushroom soup, 1 can water, 1 can milk, a bit of onion powder and garlic powder, salt and pepper, 2 cups uncooked instant rice, and a cup of grated cheddar cheese.  Added a bag of frozen broccoli.  For dessert, we're having sugar-free strawberry jello.  Woo-hoo!

Received a message that darling Cuddy will be arriving tomorrow at 4, instead of on Thursday.  What happy news.  Cannot wait for that little package of love to get back to us.   

After this morning's eye doctor appointment, we went for a trolley out in the country.  Saw a bunch of turkeys out in a field and one squirrel ran across the road in front of us.  There's a small stone house we drove by, and I thought if we were young I'd want to buy it and fix it up.  Kinda sobering to think that there's no longer any room for that kind of big dream.  Will always love old stone houses, like the one I lived in my first eight years.

Ten days til Christmas Eve. It's the night before Christmas that holds the excitement for those of us who opened presents the night before.  Isn't it interesting that after two centuries there remains debate about who for certain wrote the cherished poem, Twas the Night Before Christmas. 

Monday, December 13, 2021


Christmas movies bring back memories of the Christmas parties of the past.  The days when employers hosted fancy parties with booze, appetizers, sit-down dinners and sometimes dancing.  Can remember it was a big deal what to wear to the Christmas Party.....the event of the year for many of us.

Interesting how we change with the years.  One holiday party two of the ladies, probably around 50 years of age, entered the room wearing blinking Christmas tree lights around their necks, like necklaces.  We young snobs thought they were hysterically funny, and, yes, I snickered.  Fast forward to now, and I could easily see myself as one of those ladies wearing blinking lights just for the helluvit.   

Well, there are no more Christmas celebrations now or on the road ahead.  They're all put away in the memory box.  Now with the state of affairs in the world, there are families who aren't celebrating together, for Covid reasons.  Think I mention this every day, like a stuck record, but life doesn't feel right.  There's an under current, something that's way off kilter  This afternoon the two of us were wondering out loud what's going to break the dam.  What's going to happen to shake this mess up?  Will it be a global event?  a national event?  a local event?  what?????  

Kind of sobering to hear people talk about things back in the 1900s.  To me, it sounds like when our generation heard about events that happened back in the 1800s.  Man, does that ever put life into perspective.  Whenever I'm asked for my date of birth, I cringe to say my year of birth.   That is so silly, cuz every year we're given is a beautiful gift.  No matter how hard life gets, how unfair life feels, we're all here for a reason.  That reason isn't to see how happy we can be, but rather how we can share our blessings with others.  Life isn't easy for any one walking the planet.  There are those who brag, boast and light up their lives like a Christmas tree, but let's not let all that jingle-jangle fool us.  Life is life is life.  Tonight am sick of the insanity of the season.  What started out with the humble birth of a baby, has now exploded into a tsunami of unbelievable lunacy. 

Just cannot figure what's going on.  If this sounds like a downer post, maybe it is.  Perhaps it's time we let real life show for what it is, instead of putting on all the fake frosting and sickenly sweeet sprinkles.  

Sunday, December 12, 2021


Talk about a lazy day!  About the only thing I did was turn on the Christmas tree lights.  And, that is done by touching a button with my foot.  

Last night was another movie marathon.  There are some wonderful holiday movies this year.  Watching movies is the sum and substance of my Christmas participation.  It's dark out now, so the indoor and outdoor lights are really pretty.  

Can't say there's anything newsy to chat about.  Our shared visitation rights with Cuddy will resume this coming Thursday, and he'll stay till the following Tuesday, six days.  When they pick him up, we'll find out when he comes for his extended winter stay.  

Tried something different for breakfast.  Had a couple of bananas that needed to be eaten, so we smooshed one banana and mixed it with two eggs.  Mixed 'em together really well, added a titch of vanilla, and fried 'em like pancakes.  With sugar-free maple syrup, they were really yummy.  For those of us who must count grams of carbs, it's a real treat.

Chili for supper favorite.  Gonna overeat and savor every swallow.  Am sipping a salty dog, and chili will be the star on top of my food tree!

Saturday, December 11, 2021


Woke late this morning to breaking news about the tornado destruction in several states including Tennessee, Kentucky and Arkansas.  Photos of the damage shows it to be absolutely devastating.  The number of deaths isn't yet known.  Time for the rest of us to pray for the victims, plus thank high heaven we were spared.  Mother Nature is not happy, and She's letting us know how She feels.  

One cannot imagine what it must be like to live through the loss of home, possessions, family members, friends, hospitals and all else that maintains our well-being.  Thousands of broken hearts are within miles of us, and for them I'm deeply saddened.  Prayers are my only way of helping them.

Overnight three inches of snow fell, so all's white.  The bright sunshine is quickly making it disappear, so photos were needed.  Sunshine plus snow surely brightens the world and the spirits.  The sky is a pretty baby blue, nary a cloud above where my eyes can see.

Little rainbows in the shape of the Big Dipper constellation magically appeared on our north living room wall this morning.  My sun catchers hanging on our patio doors bring happiness in our home.  

Rainbows create the Big Dipper
Once again it's Saturday.  Weeks buzz by quickly.  Yesterday afternoon I walked down the hall to be with my two Venny besties.  We sipped Livingston Cellars Chablis Blanc and nibbled on garlic flavored kettle potato chips.  Quite the trio.

Watched three Christmas movies before heading to bed at 2 a.m.  My supper was a Jack's cardboard pizza.  What's better than a movie, pizza and Diet Coke.

Stay safe.

Friday, December 10, 2021


Mabel's Breakfast
Gotta give an update on the business of soaking onion skins in water overnight for plants.  Last week gave it a try, and Mabel, our Christmas Cactus, is covered with blooms.  Must be the real deal, so before bed last night we put a few onion skins in a small bowl of clear water.  Here's what it looks like this morning.  Will now drain the water off and give it to Mabel for breakfast.

Cannot imagine how many onion skins we've thrown in the garbage over the years.  Supposedly, one can drink it as a healthy tea.  Another thing we've started doing is saving potato peelings, putting them on a foil-covered cookie sheet in the oven till crispy.  Springle salt on em'.  Sounds crazy, but they're really fun.  Like mini french fries.

Still no snow.  Gloomy doomy looking day out there.  According to the recent weather radar, we're right on the edge of the snow storm.  Unless things change, we probably won't get any.  Am thinking about painting the deck white to look like snow.

Thursday, December 9, 2021


My two Venny besties stopped over for a visit and sip of Chardonnay yesterday afternoon.  Our giggles and silliness are equivalent to a good sniff of cocaine.....not that I'd know what that's like!  

Finished wrapping two gifts to special ones.  Boyfriend is on his way to the post office to mail them and pick up our online order of groceries at Fareway.

Got a text a few minutes ago telling me that Omicron is in our state, an unvaccinated 18-year-old.  Only makes sense that if a young person has it, adults also have it.  

Well, I've been begging the gods for snow, and overnight it snowed.  Wanna know how much?  Here's a frickin' photo.............

To think we used to measure our snowfalls
by the foot.  This is pathetic to a snow-lover.

Maybe I love heavy snow falls because of the way they bring our fast-paced living to a screeching halt.  It's Mother Nature's way of reminding us who's in charge of this world.  Try as we may, we remain pawns in The Lady's hand.  When she decides to huff and puff and howl and spit and sputter, we have no alternative but to hunker down and wait for Her to go somewhere else.  Don't know what it is about me, but I also love thunderstorms......not tornadoes of destruction, but the good old thunder and lightning.  When we were kids, on stormy summer days our family would snuggle in our old stone house and listen to the cracks of lightning and thunder.  Daddy taught me to read the clouds so I'd understand their severity.  Maybe that's the source of my respect for all of Nature.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021


 Okay, here's what happened............

Boyfriend attended 10 o'clock meeting yesterday, while I (the resident elf) busied myself decorating the tree.  Strung two 100-strands of multi-colored lights on the flocked imitation tree gifted to us by our Venny friends.  Also put imitation evergreen garland with a string of 50 lights on the fireplace.  Scurried like a squirrel to get my surprise finished before his meeting was over.  Fortunately, all went as planned and was even able to shower and get dressed in my comfies before he walked in the door.

As hard as I try, it's almost impossible for me to get ahead of the man.  I nonchalantly asked where the tree lights were and that was enough to alert him that I was up to something.  Drat.  Regardless, the tree is now decorated, quite pretty, if I say so myself.

Could I please have a drum roll...................................

Our other Christmas darling is the G-clan Christmas Cactus, affectionately named Mabel after Dale's Gramma.  The cactus, as I've already said, is over 100 years old and may have belonged to his Great-Gramma.  We're pleased to see her elegant blossoms.................

Mabel sits above our Gnome Home
Notice the little gnome in the planter.
Mabel's Blossom

As confessed in the past, neither of my thumbs are green.  My sister-in-law Debbie makes up for me.  That girl has a sun room filled with the most glorious orchids, and her outdoor flower gardens have given me the most beautiful summer bouquets.  My one and only living thing from the plant kingdom is my Mabel.  That's why I flaunt her blossoms.  

Mabel lives atop the Gnome Home that I painted a couple of years ago.  The two little gnomes were gifts, as is the Norwegian Nisse.  Like I've said, gifts we receive are sacred, and we love every single thing ever given to us.  All of the gifts we give at this stage of life are hand-made by us.  We totally understand now why our parents gave us their hand-made quilts and grandfather clock.  How else do we leave ourselves behind for those we love.  

Our Christmas celebration this year will be the two of us.  And, that's ever so okay.  We'll have our dinner delivered to us in our unit, cuz we're taking care that the boyfriend stays well before his second cataract surgery two days after Christmas.  Reckon when he's got that over, we'll start some entertaining with our Venny friends.  There are 89 confirmed cases of Covid in our county as of the first week in December.  And, we know that not all cases are reported for statistical purposes.  Enuf of that.

Later yesterday snow flakes fell, but I probably could've counted them.  Forecast inkles the possibility of snow this week, but won't count my chickens before they hatch.  Googled the origin of this old saying and find it to be ancient and appears in a story from Aesop's fables, which were written between 600 and 550 BC. Another part of our lives that comes to us from Greece.  Until now, didn't realize Aesop's fables were that old. Doesn't bother me a bit to expose my not knowing about something.  As often as I've read Aesop's fables, never did I realize how ancient they were.  Yet, their moral teachings remain as true today as they did back then.  Hmmmm..........  

Tuesday, December 7, 2021


Before going to bed last night, I set the alarm on my I-phone for 7 a.m.  It was still dark outside when I woke up and checked the time.  Remember my blog about randomly looking at a digital clock and the numbers are all the same?  Well, guess what time it was when I checked.  Yup, 4:44.  

Couldn't go back to sleep, so got up, got Mr. Coffee going, and made notes for a morning meeting.  Most of the time I have no problem sleeping, but if there's something weighing on my mind, well, that's a different story.  Am not one to lay in bed and toss and turn.  Rather, get up and read or write.  

Revved up my Chrome Book and the first thing to read is the article about the mayor of NYC putting a vaccine mandate on all privately-owned businesses beginning December 27th.  This applies to 184,000 businesses.  The new variant is now in 18 states and spreading.  Oh, boy, more controversy, more protests, more discord.    

Everywhere we turn these days we hear about the virus and vaccinations, pros and cons, some with substance, some without.  Am willing to put myself out on the butcher block and say that in the beginning I was apprehensive about the vaccines, simply because of what people were saying and, of course, our trusty news reporters.  As I researched and listened to doctors on both sides of the fence, I consulted my beloved orthopedic surgeon who is now a professor at Harvard in Boston.  His recommendation and explanation of the vaccination made perfect sense to me, therein my mind was changed.  We all need our own guiding light, and this man from Lebanon is mine.  

Clearly we're living in a tumultuous time.  Didn't expect to live through a time that would change the entire world.  Not just our state, not just our nation, but the globe.  Life  won't ever be like it was before Covid-19.  One cannot go anywhere or be with anyone without a remark being made for or against the vaccine.  Just because I'm vaccinated doesn't mean I won't get Covid.  Absolutely I can.  The difference is the severity.  

One thing I cannot and will not claim is to be a scientist or a medical doctor.  If I looked through a microscope, I couldn't tell a virus from a bacteria.  Nor could I tell a spiked protein from a spiked drink.  Oh, I can repeat something heard or read about, but do I really know what I'm talking about?  Heck, no.  All I know is that I don't want to get the virus nor do I want to be responsible for giving it to someone else.  Social distancing has taken a toll on all of us, and the two of us take it seriously.  Oh, there are those who think we're overly cautious, but that's okay.  We have to remember that we are all part of the whole.  This isn't the time to claim to have all the right answers.  

Surely didn't expect to write about this today.  Maybe it's the early morning hour when my brain is well rested.  Guess I'm thinking on paper, wishing the world wasn't so divided, the country wasn't so divided, families and friends weren't so divided.  Guess we'll be getting our booster shots when it's time, and that's all we can do.  Does anyone besides me find it difficult to trust these days?  Who can we trust?  If I'm not able to trust the doctors who take care of my health and well-being, that's pretty frickin' sad.  I've been blessed with the absolutely best doctors, and in their hands I place my trust.  For me, that's called peace of mind and peace of heart.  More than that I cannot expect from life.

Update:  Still no snow.  Tree still undecorated.

Monday, December 6, 2021


Yup, it's official.  Am losing my cookies.  

First I spend a couple of days sorting (by color) my bead stash.  Each color in its own zip-lock baggie.  Am talking thousands of beads.  Yesterday I go to make one of my sun-catchers, only to find it was easier when the beads were all mixed helter-skelter together.  So, all beads were dumped into one plastic container.  Sometimes organization isn't necessarily the way to go.

Just ordered a chip-carving book for the boyfriend.  On Amazon, the book would've cost $28 (with shipping and tax).  BUT, old eagle eyes here found the book pre-owned on eBay for $7 (free shipping).  Another $21 in the pocket!  If mom could see how well she taught me frugality, think she'd be pleased.

Sun is shining today.  French toast filled us up now till supper time.  Finished another Agatha Christie book this morning and started another one.  I swear if anyone wants to get their mind off the world, these mysteries will do it.  Her writings are interfering with my life.....all I want to do is read 'em.  Kinda like being hooked on cocaine.  Gotta have a fix right now.  Not that I'd know how that feels.

My latest acquisitions are two biblical crossword books.  Need my laptop to look up the answers, and that's fun for she who loves to learn.  Plus, it familiarizes me with new interpretations.  The two puzzles I worked yesterday were about the Prophets and Priests of the bible.  Kings is the next puzzle.  

This biblical business got me thinking about dying.  How everything on earth dies, whether a flower, a tree, a creature, a human, an insect......everything.  Who among us doesn't think about our individual mortality.  The greatest thinkers of all times couldn't say for sure why bad things happen to good people.  So many things happen in our lives that make us wonder what it's all about and what it's all for.  We live through the struggles, wade through the tears, and then we take one last breath and we're gone forever.  

The bible is the only instruction book we humans have.  Different religions have different books of wisdom, but essentially it's all the same.  With an estimated 4,200 different religions in the world, one must keep an open mind when it comes to acceptance.  One thing for sure, the human race is quite the hodge-podge.  Think if we could eliminate the news media, a lot of good would emerge.  

Update:   Still no snow.  Tree still not decorated.

Sunday, December 5, 2021


Light mist on this dreary Sunday.  Wind advisory issued, but all's quiet on the home front.  

Slept till 10.  Grilled cheese sandwiches for brunch.  Usually have tomato soup as a go-along, but today only bread and butter pickles on the side.  A mainstay sandwich, like the proverbial peanut butter and jelly.  Personally enjoy peanut butter and banana sandwiches, too.

It's the kind of day that calls for a bag of Orville R's popcorn.  Growing up, my family ate popcorn without butter, only salt.  Only after eating buttered popcorn in the movie theater, did I realize the difference.  Everything's better with butter!

Not a blasted bit of news from my end of the stick.  From where I sit, looking out, the world is at peace.

Saturday, December 4, 2021


Received a text this morning that the local ambulance was called out to nearby towns where individuals testing Covid positive were having great difficulty breathing.  One had an 83% oxygen level.

It's important to know that oxygen levels under 88% are dangerous for our vital organs.  At 80%, the organs gradually start to shut down.  Before this happens, the person must be rushed to the hospital.  We've grown accustomed to hearing about people ambulanced to hospitals with Covid, we don't stop to comprehend the severity.  

Tis another gloomy day.  Snow to the northwest of us.  A big black crow just flew by.  Wondering if it might be someone I once knew!  (giggle)

The boyfriend just printed out the Sudoku puzzle from the Green Gazette.  Adapting very well to the online newspaper.  

Tree still is not decorated.  Don't have enough enthusiasm.  The jury is still out whether it'll be here in the living room or down in the storage room next week.  And, to think at one time in my life I registered a Type A on the Richter Scale.

Would be fun to go in the kitchen and make some sweets to nibble on, but, that can't happen cuz of our A1C numbers.  About the only thing that soothes the sweet tooth is sugar-free jello with Cool Whip.  Balance that against a piece of pecan pie and ice cream, and one feels like a martyr anticipating sainthood.  

Rosettes and Rosette Iron
Christmas is the season for so many sweet treats.  Both of our mothers made their own specialties and shared them with us for all the years.  Dale's mother would send her rosettes home with us in grocery bags.  She frosted 'em and topped with colored sprinkles.  Some were dusted with powdered sugar.  Man alive, those were the days.

Friday, December 3, 2021


Spent the last forty-five minutes on the phone with a knowledgeable and courteous gentleman representing our daily newspaper.  Rather than wrangle any longer with the delivery problems, we're opting for digital newspaper.  Yup, we're giving up the hand-held daily newspaper.  Another old way of doing things down the hatch.  

Have subscribed to the daily for many years.  Full yearly cost of the postal-delivered newspaper is $473.20.  That price brings a paper to us every day of the year, except the days that weather interferes with the delivery trucks.  

Here's the deal.  If we read the newspaper on our Chromebooks, we can save $306.80 a year.  That also eliminates walking downstairs for the newspaper every morning and taking the newspaper down to the recycle room.  In order to accomplish this transition, I put a call in to the subscriber support line.  The guy who took my call was very helpful, and we even managed to toss a little humor back and forth.  We set the digital account up for automatic withdrawal every 13 weeks, or quarterly.  Won't have to fiddle around with that bill anymore. 

So it is that we've accomplished one more balancing act in the inflation frenzy.  When one thing goes up, we try to balance that by bringing something else down. One has to simplify by making less work, rather than more.  Otherwise, life has a leash on us, instead of the other way around. 

A ham bone with a bag of 15-kinds of beans just went in the crock pot.  We add fresh celery and onions.  By suppertime the soup will be bubbling ready.  When we were kids, our family added a little vinegar to bean soup.  Kicks the flavor up a notch.  Plus, I add pepper to my bowl of soup.

There are two kitchen appliances I wouldn't part with.  One is the crock pot, the other the electric wok.  Love making fried rice and Oriental stir fry.  The wok is used to make other foods, as well.  When I make homemade chowder, I'll saute the ingredients in the wok before adding to the roux-thickened milk.  We have an electric skillet, but the heating element isn't heating like it should. 

Imagine if we'd have to give up the microwave.  Boy, that would be a kick in the pants.  I like the Smart Ones meals, and it takes only three or four minutes to get one ready to eat.  My faves are the spaghetti, the lasagna, and Oriental Chicken.  For $2 each, it's an easy-peasy meal.  

Guess I've successfully made myself hungry, so will close for today.  Still no snow.  Drat.

Thursday, December 2, 2021


Had a very nice dream last night.  In my dream, I hugged my favorite aunt and uncle tightly and told them how much I loved them.  That dream was followed by another about my favorite high school teacher.  In my dream, I was young and rented an apartment from her.  Love-related dreams give my soul so much joy.  Not all my dreams are joyful, of course.  Some are exactly the opposite.  Sometimes I wake up crying.  

Giggles and tears.  Life is quite the adventure.  From one minute to the next, we are unsure what kettle of soup we'll be tossed into next.  In one teeny weeny second, our day can go from happy to not-so-happy.  A snide word or remark, whether spoken or written, has powerful impact like a bullet.  Words don't leave incriminating visible evidence behind, but they sure do leave lasting scars. Think we all know what I'm talking about.

On to something else......yesterday read about the WRENS, the Women's Royal Naval Service, which was the women's branch of the United Kingdom's Royal Navy.  In her books, Christie introduces her readers to facts, along with the fiction.  Before this, didn't know anything about the WRENS.  They first formed in 1917 for World War I, disbanded in 1919.  Then was brought back in 1939 for World War II, remaining active until integrated into the Royal Navy in 1993.  The women in WRENS worked as cooks, clerks, wireless telegraphists, radar plotters, weapons analysts, range assessors, electricians and air mechanics.

Love reading and learning.  Every book is a teacher.  Along with books, a thesaurus and internet are kept close by so I can delve deeper into things I don't know about.  Same with words.  Agatha Christie uses some snazzy words that require the thesaurus.  Synonyms and antonyms expand our vocabularies.  Love 'em.

Dale just read that Minnesota has a case of Omicron.  

Another decision changed at our house.  At first I said we weren't putting up a tree.  Well, now we are.  Being we were gifted with a very nice flocked artificial one, we've decided to string lights on it.  Also were gifted with really neat red and white icicles.  The two of us are flexible, one can easily convince the other.  

We've not brought up Christmas decorations for our doorway.  The couple across the hall from us have a beautifully arranged entry to their home.  

Outdoor temps are still unseasonably warm.  Still no snow.  Boo hoo.  Boo hiss.  Wanna see white flakes fall from the heavens.  To me, snow has always been one of Mother Nature's most elegant gifts.  Oh, I know, I drove on treacherous roads all my life to and from work, but still I love snow.  The older I've gotten, I also now like snow globes.  I had one once, but have no idea whatever happened to it.  Funny how time changes us.  

Wednesday, December 1, 2021


Darkness is setting in, as is the cozy feeling that comes with evening time.  Our flameless battery candles are programmed to automatically turn on this time of day.  They look so real, with the flickering flame.  A wonderful alternative to the real McCoy, plus much safer.  Open flames don't seem wise, especially living in a multi-dwelling complex.

Remember years ago having left a burning candle on our wooden coffee table.  Burned through the base and left a circle burn mark on the table.  This was after one of our family Christmases, so I touted it as a memory marker.

One can't talk about candles without thinking about the custom of putting candles on birthday cakes.  Another carry-over from ancient Greece.  According to myth, Artemis, the goddess of the hunt, was honored with cakes that people brought, each adorned with lit candles that were supposed to imitate the moon or moonlight, Artemis' popular symbol.  It was believed that the smoke from the candles carried people's prayers to their gods.  Supposedly, this ancient belief explains why today people make a wish before they blow out their birthday candles.