Friday, April 19, 2024

Sun is shining, the blinds are partially pulled down to keep me from going blind.  A definite change from yesterday's drippy day.

Spent yesterday reading a book that was sent to me.  Read the first 90 of the 218 pages.  My plan is to shower, get comfy and read the remaining pages.  A while back I ordered a pair of 3.0 cheater glasses.  They help magnify the print, and my eyes don't have to struggle.  

The boyfriend is leaving soon to help one of his Venny buddies take a bike down to the bike shop.  You know how it is when guys go do something.  Time turns into water and quickly passes by.  That's okay, because when I read it's nice to have quiet.  

Have a bit of trivia to toss in today.  Why are t-shirts called t-shirts?  Because of the shape of their body and sleeves.  Vintage t-shirts are making a comeback.  Lots of 'em on eBay.  True vintage shirts need to be at least 20 years old.

For a gal my age, I live in t-shirts, 'specially the ones with graphic designs of places or wording.  Like the one I'm wearing has a picture of several moose......and the word MEESE in large letters.  Love the play on words.  T--shirts are comfy, and the more they're worn, the comfier they get.  My absolute favorite are the long-sleeved ones with writing down the sleeves.  I think that's so cool.