Saturday, April 13, 2024


Kiwifruit-shaped welcome sign
The town of Te Puke is the heart beat of New Zealand's kiwifruit industry.  The town's name comes from the Maori language.  Pronounced teh-pook-ee, te (the) and puke (hill).  Hundreds of local growers produce millions of kiwifruit, which are exported worldwide.

  • The kiwifruit was named after its uncanny resemblance to the 'fuzzy brown kiwi' - New Zealand's National Bird.
  • The NZ kiwi industry has 2,385 growers and 3,240 registered orchards.
  • The first seeds were brought from China in the early 1900s.   Originally, it was known as the Chinese Gooseberry.
  • During First World War, New Zealand soldiers were referred to as "kiwis," and the nickname stuck.  Eventually, the term Kiwi was attributed to all New Zealanders.  The nickname is affectionate and being called a Kiwi is a point of pride for most NZers.
.......I love kiwifruit.  Slices of kiwi are another example of Mother Nature's artistic flair.  Found recipes online for kiwi salsa and kiwi and pineapple salads that will be fun to try this summer.  Fruit has gotten outlandishly expensive in the markets, but I'll give up something else to balance the prices.  I inherited this from my Daddy, who was an organic nut before his time, insisting that my Mom preserve fruit sauces for desserts.  When fruit would be for sale by the crate or bushel, our home canning factory went full-speed.  Shelves of sauces lined our basement wall.  Back in those days, sauce dishes were used a lot.  Nowadays, one rarely sees a sauce dish, or berry dish, as they were sometimes called.  

One fun part of summer, for me, is trying new recipes.  The boyfriend just left for the grocery store to take advantage of a pork rib sale.  OMG, his BBQ ribs are to die for.  For a long time, he made his own BBQ sauce, but we eventually settled on what's now our absolute favorite Cookie's Original.  Homemade just couldn't beat it.  

Well, I've once again succeeded in making my tummy growl.  Think it best I steer my mind in another direction.  The Masters Golf Tournament in Augusta is televised today again.  Can one imagine vying for an $18 million purse?  That's gotta take great skill and great nerve control.  The boyfriend enjoys watching, and so do I, kinda.  Until the morrow, ta-ta.


  1. Oh the memories!!! We too had a basement lined with canned goods…vegetables and fruits…and sauces such as chili sauce which was fantastic with roasts. Fondly remember my mother bringing home crates of fruit and spending the evening canning! I miss those days…growing up on a farm was the best! We grew almost all of the vegetables that were canned or frozen…we had a huge strawberry patch, raspberry patch and orchard with apples and pears. We made our own pickles…can you tell that I miss this?…M

  2. I'm 78 today and we're watching the Masters, too.

  3. OMG.......please forgive me for not wishing you a happy birthday. My brain just doesn't work like it used to. Happy 785h Birthday, my dear heart. Please forgive me.

  4. And then I screw up the number..........yowza!

  5. M......I'm sure our childhoods were much the same. Aaaah, the things we remember and cherish.

  6. We use Baby Ray's, but Cookies is very good too. Opted between them. My mother also had rows of canned fruit in our basement. Sauce was a thing at our table too. Also remember stewed tomatoes served in bowls like soup. I freeze rather than can and don't do much of that either. Hugs
